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Busher Bred Mountain Curs ?
What can anyone tell me about this Cur Line ?
where you been them busher curs have been cussed & discussed for at least a couple mo.
oldman_bc@yahoo. com
Pound Va
Ph: 276-796-5321
i'm drinking from my saucer
cause my cup has overflowed
Never heard of a it...
I'm serious, I'm new to the Mountain Cur lines, I've always had and hunted Uchtman line bred Bluetick Coonhounds :-) so any info Busher bred stuff I'd like to hear about !
check out nccatfisher's dogs, sdorton & unless i'm badly mistaken, which I don't think I am, garner has dogs with what is considered busher bred.
most of any of the ol tyme mtn curs before the 80's were consideredbusher bred.the huntsman & beaty & others were busher bred. lots of beatys curs went back to the old busher sam dog which is where the name came from.
oldman_bc@yahoo. com
Pound Va
Ph: 276-796-5321
i'm drinking from my saucer
cause my cup has overflowed
The Busher bred dogs I own and have hunted with are Bigger sized dogs... LOUD mouths with tons of hunt and drive... live to please and handle as good as any... Some are open trailing and some do have a bawl mouth, but not all... They will hunt what you put them after and easy to break off what you ain't... All around great line of dogs to hunt...
10 month old pup
Nice picture.
Busher will be my next one.
PKC Ch Power Line's Max
Power Line Zap
Check me out on Facebook
Like Jeremy said they are usually a little bigger and a little louder. It basically boils down to personal preference to what you like. They suit me the best, but they aren't for everyone.
Click on pics. for vids
8 mos old pup
Visit my kennel at:
looking good tim, as usual lol
oldman_bc@yahoo. com
Pound Va
Ph: 276-796-5321
i'm drinking from my saucer
cause my cup has overflowed
this is a pic. of the brandy fe. I owned, gr. daughter of spencers me. sam
I really pulled a boo boo that time both pic are of one of my old kemmer curs tn mtn mack. i'll blame photo bucket ha ha
he is about the right size anyway.
oldman_bc@yahoo. com
Pound Va
Ph: 276-796-5321
i'm drinking from my saucer
cause my cup has overflowed
try again,
looks like I may have it this time, brandy gr. daughter to spencers mr. sam
don't think i've posted this one before. I had been sq. hunting late one evening & struck a coon. it was dark beforeI could get to the tree, good thing I carry a lite on my late sq. hunts
oldman_bc@yahoo. com
Pound Va
Ph: 276-796-5321
i'm drinking from my saucer
cause my cup has overflowed
Mr. Robinson, I like the looks of those dogs!!!
Tim... I could listen to those vids all night!!!
i see coon dogs.
Fine looking dogs Mr. JT.
Put em in the Wild
I like mine cause hes a bigger dog, a good mouth, a good nose, and a bulky head. he likes to hunt and loves to find game. mine has a lot of beatys in it and I like what I see so far so I hope iget to get one that has as much in it as possible in the near future...
JT those are some good looking dogs.
Visit my kennel at:
Awilson, good lookin dog!
" You can lead a donkey to water, but he is still an ass".
They are
some good looking brindle hounds .
Re: They are
Originally posted by BulletC
some good looking brindle hounds .
oldman_bc@yahoo. com
Pound Va
Ph: 276-796-5321
i'm drinking from my saucer
cause my cup has overflowed
Re: Re: They are
Originally posted by oldman
just what O M C B A dogs before streak about destroyed the bloodlines
thank goodness for a few breeders that didn't drink of that koolaid.
In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths.
Cherokee Jett omcba , ukc ,wtda ,nkc registered
nope, just 99 9/10, not all blue came from jukebox or bird dogs, but at least most look like curs..I know there are others of what I call backyard bred but the streak bred dogs were the main reason the bod's voted to change the weight standard so these mini whatever could be reg. as omc ba dogs.there were a few smaller mtn curs before streak but they were few & far between.
I wonder why most of the dogs supposedly out of streak jr & georgetta don't resemble the other streak bred dogs.
another can of worms to open lol.
I had a female a few yrs back out of those two, would have made a good looking busher dog if I had wanted to go that way, I sold her instead. 50-60 lb beautiful brindle cur.I do sometimes wish that I had bred her to the ol spencers mr. sam dog.they would have made some good treeing curs.
oldman_bc@yahoo. com
Pound Va
Ph: 276-796-5321
i'm drinking from my saucer
cause my cup has overflowed
Those are all nice looking dogs, but i sure like those black ones.
Dan Ashcraft 304-622-5505
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