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Posted by Richard Lambert on 12-11-2020 06:40 PM:


CNN, CBS, ABC and NBC have known about the Hunter Biden criminal investigation for 5 months. They knew all about the laptop, Bobulinski, the emails and all of the other evidence that they could have easily verified as true with all of their resources. Now this is one of the biggest scandals and news stories of the year. But the only thing that they published was Schiff and Shumer lying to say that it was Russian disinformation. Now CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS knew that it wasn't but they reported them saying it anyway.

What kind of news station/media doesn't report the biggest story of the year? They covered up this news in order to influence the election in Biden's favor. How many people get their news solely from CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS? How many voters did they influence?

And y'all are saying that the election was fair. Our news media system is broken. There is no more unbiased reporting. It is all propaganda. They all have a motive.

Posted by sleepy head on 12-11-2020 07:06 PM:

But why do idiots keep watching and begging for more lies? You got libtards watching this crap with their mouths wide open hoping it gets crapped in.

Posted by sleepy head on 12-11-2020 09:31 PM:

I guess time magazine picked the big guy and the bar hoe as person of the year. Is time owned by China?

Posted by Richard Lambert on 12-11-2020 10:20 PM:

Is true journalism dead in the USA?

Posted by Richard Lambert on 12-11-2020 10:46 PM:

Does anyone remember when Facebook and Twitter took down all references to the dudes laptop?

Posted by Richard Lambert on 12-12-2020 02:35 PM:

NBC finally reported last night that Hunter was being investigated for "tax problems" because of his "income" from Burisma. Duh, Hunter announced that himself 3 days ago. That is some real investigative reporting. They waited until late Fri night so that nobody would see it. Here is a news flash for you NBC, Hunter and his whole family have been under investigation for acccepting bribes, tax evasion and money laundering for a year now. It also includes Burisma, China and Russia. Y'all are a great news source, one tenth of the story 6 months later.

Posted by Richard Lambert on 12-12-2020 02:42 PM:

I wonder if we will ever see the Hunter, Jim, Joe story on 60 Minutes or 20/20?
Does anyone remember when the Justice Dept and Mueller were investgating the Russian Hoax story that we all know now was made up and started by Hillary's campaign and kept going by the lying of the dumrats? The main stream media kept it going for a year by reporting "leaks" and supposedly "illegally obtained info" from dumrat FBI and Justice Dept employees which turned out to be just a bunch of lies and disinformation. It was all under the guise of investgative reporting. In truth it was just a dumrat and Main Stream Media attempt to smear President Trump and brainwash gullible dumrats into thinking President Trump has done something wrong even though they knew it was all lies and he hadn't. We found this out later from their private emails to each other that they were going to continue even though there was no evidence to suggest that President Trump had done anything wrong.

Well their plan worked. The rank and file dumrats still believe that President Trump did something wrong despite the fact that Mueller reported that he didn't.

Now fast forward to the Hunter, Jim, Joe Biden investigation. It has been going on for a year now. Their is a whole trove of evidence. Everyone in the country knows that Hunter accepted bribes from Burisma, Russia and China. Have seen any "leaks" or any reporting in the Main Stream Media? No, they have completely covered it up. The brainwashed dumrats don't believe Hunter did anything wrong even though he admitted in a Main Stream Media interview that, "maybe I should not have taken that money from Burisma". Duh, you think Dude? What he was really saying was, I wish that I hadn't gotten caught taking the bribe.
The Main Stream Media have become experts at brainwashing the gullible dumrats.

Posted by Richard Lambert on 12-12-2020 03:23 PM:

President Trump says that the whole Russian investigation was a Hoax and a witch hunt. We now know it to be true. Mueller said that in his report but the dumrats still don't believe him. They are so brainwashed that they are still saying that he is a Russian Agent.

Joe Biden says, "my son never discussed his business dealings with me". There is now clear evidence from 2 different sources that this was a bald face lie. But the dumrats are so brainwashed that they believe Joe.

The dumrats are just like the German people under Hitler. Hitler had them so brainwashed into believing they were a superior race that they went to war.

Will the dumrats go this far? They have already rigged an election which is the cornerstone of our democracy to put their man in charge. Next they will start on the constitution. Ask yourself, "Just what direction are we headed in?"

Posted by Richard Lambert on 12-12-2020 04:41 PM:

The Iranian government executed a journalist yesterday for putting unfavorable reports on social media. I wonder how long it will be before the Biden government starts executing Fox journalists? We will have to see how long after Biden takes office before the FBI goes after Rudy Giulliani. The Main Stream Media has been publishing articles about Rudy for a year in an attempt to discredit him. They have been trying to brainwash the dumrats into believing Rudy is "not a credible witness" in preparation for what is coming. They are doing the same thing to Bobolinski and the owner of the laptop repair store. If they can't disprove the evidence, then discredit the source. That is textbook brainwashing. I bet that it works on the dumrats. They are already preprogrammed to believe whatever CNN spits out. After all they are the Main Stream Media. Surely they wouldn't publish untruths. Does anyone still remember when you could take what you saw on TV and read in the newspaper at face value. What has happened to our "news sources"? When and why did they start taking sides?

Posted by Richard Lambert on 12-13-2020 04:53 PM:

They didn't say a word about Hunter or Swalwell on "Face the Nation" this morning. The 2 biggest stories of the week didn't even get a mention. I wonder why? Does China have that much influence over our media or was it the dumrats? Their bias is so blatant. They don't even try to hide it anymore. They put their bias right out in our face. They don't care anymore. CNN, CBS, NBC and ABC should just change their names to DNN, DBS, DBC and DBC.

Posted by sleepy head on 12-14-2020 06:23 PM:

Hardest thing to understand is why the typical libtard doesn't hold their media sources accountable for being wrong or dishonest on so many important subjects.

Posted by Richard Lambert on 12-14-2020 06:32 PM:

Why do they take every word at face value and never question anything even though everyone knows how MSM "spins" everything. They almost act like sheep that just follow the leader. They act like they don't care and don't really want to know the truth.

Posted by sleepy head on 12-14-2020 06:38 PM:

Now more than ever, when I comment on CNNs YouTube channel I get bombarded by libtard Chinese bots

Posted by sleepy head on 12-14-2020 06:52 PM:

Should the Chinese bots on this board be censored or has there been enough censorship in America the last 4 years?

Posted by Richard Lambert on 12-16-2020 02:47 PM:

I wonder what Joe Biden promised Facebook and Twitter to get them to quash the stories/posts about Hunter's laptop? We all know now that they didn't do it because they knew the stories weren't true. They were aware that the laptop actually existed and wasn't Russian disinformation. Facebook actually allowed remarks saying that it was Russian misinformation even though they knew that was false. They allow false stories about President Trump to be posted daily.

We also know that they are a for profit businesses. They don't do anything that doesn't benefit them or that they aren't paid to do. So again, I wonder what the real reason was for them to quash the "Dude, where's your laptop" story?

Posted by Richard Lambert on 12-21-2020 10:47 PM:

Why has no reporter in the news media asked Biden if he met with Hunter's business partner, Bobulinski in that Hotel bar?

Posted by sleepy head on 12-21-2020 11:22 PM:

Originally posted by Richard Lambert
Why has no reporter in the news media asked Biden if he met with Hunter's business partner, Bobulinski in that Hotel bar?

Because the whole lot are bought and paid for by the chicoms. Trump is fighting the chicoms with one hand and back handing the libtards with the other

Posted by Richard Lambert on 01-05-2021 05:22 PM:

Why is CNN calling the demonstrators gathering in Washington DC "radicals and extremists" but the rioters in Oregan, Washington and Wisconsin were "protesters"?

Posted by Richard Lambert on 01-05-2021 05:42 PM:

The main stream media has been screaming for 4 years that President Trump is splitting the country apart. But it is the main stream media that has been driving the wedge deeper and deeper. They are the ones that have been splitting the country with their biased reporting. The main stream media are the ones pitting democrats against Republicans to further their own ratings and agenda. Both Republicans and dumrats have been duped.

Posted by Richard Lambert on 01-20-2021 06:53 PM:

Oh my goodness, President Trump has only been out of office for less than 4 hours and CNN is saying that $1,400 added stimulus checks are not the best way to stimulate the economy. What in the world is going on now? What a flip flop. If you have been counting on getting another $1,400, you better make other plans. Who says that the democrats didn't politicize the panicdemic for their own good?

Posted by Crooked Branch on 01-20-2021 07:25 PM:


If everyone would just hang loose for a few months the Dems will eat themselves. Sen. Joe Manchin(D-WV) has said that he would not vote for anymore stimulus. He said that last week. Give it time and all the people who thought they was going to get all this "free" stuff will come unglued. It has already started! LOL



Posted by Richard Lambert on 01-20-2021 08:30 PM:

Don't worry, Mitch has already gone over to their side to take anyone's place that defects. It is obvious that they have bought Mitch McConnell off. I don't know how much he got paid but Mitch sure did an about face. It looks like Bester was right to call him Moscow Mitch.

Posted by 4play on 01-20-2021 08:50 PM:

Originally posted by Crooked Branch
If everyone would just hang loose for a few months the Dems will eat themselves. Sen. Joe Manchin(D-WV) has said that he would not vote for anymore stimulus. He said that last week. Give it time and all the people who thought they was going to get all this "free" stuff will come unglued. It has already started! LOL

Joe Manchin only Dem. I can listen are idiots

Grnitech Pkc ch Skuna River Midnite Moe
{Skuna River Bark x Trackman's Sassy}

Nitech Stylish Clover Shark Jill - RIP 'Ole Girl
{Great White Shark x Brush Creek Patch}

Posted by Richard Lambert on 03-02-2021 03:12 PM:

Media newscasters and reporters are now being classified as "actors" by the media. This is just another indication of the new direction our country is headed in.

Posted by benderb4 on 03-02-2021 03:50 PM:

While the lying RATS can't stand to have mixed news reported.

They are trying to control FREE SPEECH .


Already proven that many people of color attributed misconceptions about Trump were due to LIES AND BIAS CONTROLLED NEWS REPORTING .


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