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Posted by Donnie Stevens on 05-20-2020 02:01 AM:

Originally posted by Richard Lambert
[B I would be happy to do my part to save the world and let them test it on me [/B]

I'd also be happy to let them test it on you 👍

Friends don't let friends hunt blueticks

Posted by Richard Lambert on 05-20-2020 04:22 AM:

How many people did the Carona Virus cause issues in? How many children got polio before the vaccine?

Posted by Richard Lambert on 05-29-2020 05:11 PM:

Oh my goodness, more than half of the country has reopened. Three fourths of the people are venturing out. Sporting events are starting back. Beaches are open. Bars and restaurants are open. When will the next big wave start? The scientists have said that it is coming. CNN has said that the spikes are coming. When will it start?

Posted by Richard Lambert on 05-29-2020 07:39 PM:

Hold the presses, Dr Fauci told CNN today that we might not have a wave this Fall after all. He said that it wasn't inevetable. He sounded like a weatherman saying that there is a 50% chance of rain. They are right if it rains and right if it doesn't.

Posted by Richard Lambert on 06-22-2020 01:07 PM:

Oh my goodness, leading infectious disease "expert" in Italy said this morning that Carona virus was weakening due to mutations and that "it may just go away by itself" in a couple of months. Now where have we heard that before?

Posted by Black Ash Bawl on 06-26-2020 08:15 PM:


The U.S. reported 39,972 daily cases of the coronavirus on Thursday, a new daily record, according to Johns Hopkins.

I have my best hound now. Cricket out of Moonlight/Outlaw Mac by Feldmans Roxie,

Posted by Richard Lambert on 06-26-2020 09:05 PM:

Oh my goodness, the sky is falling again. Daily deaths from Carona, with states now counting "probable" cases and New Jersey saying that they went back and "found" 5,000 deaths that "might have been" due to Carona have now dropped to all time lows. If daily cases of Carona are really rising, then why are daily deaths dropping?

Posted by honalieh on 06-27-2020 03:15 AM:


Originally posted by Black Ash Bawl
The U.S. reported 39,972 daily cases of the coronavirus on Thursday, a new daily record, according to Johns Hopkins.

That record didn't even last for 24 hours. Over 47,000 new CONFIRMED cases today (Friday).

Then we have Trump saying if we didn't do so much testing we wouldn't have so many cases. That's sort of like saying that if we didn't measure rainfall and snowfall, we wouldn't have rain and snow.

Is there a limit to how much B.S. his supporters will buy into, or try to defend or spin?

Posted by Donnie Stevens on 06-27-2020 03:41 AM:

Originally posted by Richard Lambert
If daily cases of Carona are really rising, then why are daily deaths dropping?

Wait 2-3 weeks and see if the death tolls are dropping.

I thought you and T-Rump said this thing was over weeks ago. I must be listening to those fake news channels again.

Friends don't let friends hunt blueticks

Posted by Cotton 1927 on 06-27-2020 06:02 AM:


The sky is not falling Richard you've got your head stuck in the sand so far you can't see what happening......there's a price to pay for always insisting on being right even when you know your not,......

Posted by sleepy head on 06-27-2020 01:28 PM:

I remember when Fredo's brother said New Yorks cases would go up as they tested more

Posted by yadkintar on 06-27-2020 01:32 PM:

You think it wasent the plan when the left paid all those protesters to get out elbo to elbo. Sure hate for all those looters to get sick.


Posted by Richard Lambert on 06-27-2020 03:17 PM:

Are you sick if you don't know it until someone tests you and tells you that you are sick? What does "asymptomatic" mean? What does "probable" mean? If you read the fine print, you will see what they are counting as "cases".
Young people are going out and socializing in bars. So of course the #of "cases" is going up. But are they actually sick? If you have a cough, nausea or a runny nose now, you "probably" have Covid 19. Should we start freaking out again?

Posted by Donnie Stevens on 06-27-2020 07:06 PM:

Originally posted by Richard Lambert
Are you sick if you don't know it until someone tests you and tells you that you are sick?

Lol nope and therein lies the problem. While one person may not be sick or even know that they have it if they give it to their parents, grandparents or neighbors it may kill them. If everybody that had it was sick it would be far easier to control the spread. But you already know all that anyway.....

Friends don't let friends hunt blueticks

Posted by Cotton 1927 on 06-27-2020 08:15 PM:


Richard, if your house was on fire you'd stand in the yard and deny it, unfortunaly common sense,understanding,and being aware of what's happening in the world around you is beyond your scope....

Posted by yadkinriver on 06-27-2020 08:16 PM:

Yes but explain all these factory workers and meat packing workers where hundreds are testing positive but no ones are showing symptoms. Some have gone back and got retested and showed negitive. Kinda makes you wonder. Now a set of newborn twins have been born that test positive and never been exposed. This whole scheme doesn't smell right.

Posted by Richard Lambert on 06-29-2020 02:25 PM:

Oh my goodness, the # of cases is going up but the # of deaths is going down. Does that mean that the virus is weakening? If people still test positive for Covid 19 but no one has any symptoms, can we say that the virus went away on its own?

This Nov the dumborats will do a 180 and say that the virus went away on its own. They will say that Trump's handling/response had nothing to do with it. But then they also say that Trump has had nothing to do with the increase in our economy and decrease in unemployment.

Posted by shadinc on 06-29-2020 05:37 PM:

Re: Covid

Originally posted by Cotton 1927
Richard, if your house was on fire you'd stand in the yard and deny it, unfortunaly common sense,understanding,and being aware of what's happening in the world around you is beyond your scope....
My house might be on fire now and I don't know it. I better call the fire marshal to check it out and tell me.

Donald Bergeron

Posted by honalieh on 06-30-2020 05:56 AM:


"15 Cases and soon going to 0." Who said it?

"We've got it under control." Who said it?

6/29 = 44,734
6/28 = 40,540
6/27 = 43,581
6/26 = 47,341
6/25 = 40,212

We are setting new records.

Sure looks like somebody LIED to us! Everybody knows that!!!

It's no longer a New York/New Jersey thing. It's spreading across the south, and hitting rural America. My county (very rural) had a 60% increase in the last week.

Why some want to go in denial or defense mode is beyond me.

Posted by Richard Lambert on 06-30-2020 12:34 PM:

Deaths dropped again. Why aren't cases spiking in the people that went back to work... the auto workers, factory workers and meat packers?
Why do the daily deaths continue to drop?

Posted by 4play on 06-30-2020 02:41 PM:

Re: COVID-19

Originally posted by honalieh
"15 Cases and soon going to 0." Who said it?

"We've got it under control." Who said it?

6/29 = 44,734
6/28 = 40,540
6/27 = 43,581
6/26 = 47,341
6/25 = 40,212

We are setting new records.

Sure looks like somebody LIED to us! Everybody knows that!!!

It's no longer a New York/New Jersey thing. It's spreading across the south, and hitting rural America. My county (very rural) had a 60% increase in the last week.

Why some want to go in denial or defense mode is beyond me.

Why is it worse in the Dem. controlled states???? Please explain?

In reality there were not many tests avail. 60 days ago.
Now millions of tests are out.More people can get tested.Numbers would have always been high if testing was available to show.

I get a kick of how the media spins numbers....10 million now have Covid.So people that got it months,weeks ago and have gotten over it are still being counted? Why don't they tell the cured number.

Grnitech Pkc ch Skuna River Midnite Moe
{Skuna River Bark x Trackman's Sassy}

Nitech Stylish Clover Shark Jill - RIP 'Ole Girl
{Great White Shark x Brush Creek Patch}

Posted by micooner on 06-30-2020 03:17 PM:

Well we're on day 6 with the wife on quarantined floor of the hospital. No visitors not even me. Because of her auto immune disease all covid tests are negative. High fever, pneumonia bad in lungs. By the grace of God she hasn't had to be intubated. She's making it with the oxygen mask. Others on the floor are not as lucky. We took the normal precautions. Only went out twice to our local diner and sat by ourselves. This is Nothing even close to a bad cold or flu. If someone you care about gets it and is hospitalized you will get a whole new perspective. Its not unpatriotic to wear a mask in public. I'm not for shutting the economy down. We have to work, I get that.

Posted by 4play on 06-30-2020 04:25 PM:

How accurate are numbers????

If you had a flu shot,you will test pos. for China,Corrona,.....Covid 19 virus.
So how accurate are the 'numbers'?

Grnitech Pkc ch Skuna River Midnite Moe
{Skuna River Bark x Trackman's Sassy}

Nitech Stylish Clover Shark Jill - RIP 'Ole Girl
{Great White Shark x Brush Creek Patch}

Posted by micooner on 06-30-2020 05:22 PM:

Here's my take on the tests after talking to the cdc region dr. If you have any kind of auto immune condition the tests are really all over the map. Also on the quick tests 30 % will show false negative meaning you still probably have it. They are more confident if you show a positive on the first test. The wife had a quick test, then a 3 hr test, then an antigen test, all negative. Her lungs are dark and damaged.

Posted by oklared on 06-30-2020 06:21 PM:

Re: COVID-19

Originally posted by honalieh
"15 Cases and soon going to 0." Who said it?

"We've got it under control." Who said it?

6/29 = 44,734
6/28 = 40,540
6/27 = 43,581
6/26 = 47,341
6/25 = 40,212

We are setting new records.

Sure looks like somebody LIED to us! Everybody knows that!!!

It's no longer a New York/New Jersey thing. It's spreading across the south, and hitting rural America. My county (very rural) had a 60% increase in the last week.

Why some want to go in denial or defense mode is beyond me.


4TH PLACE R.Q.E 2010
GR.NT.CH. AT 12 and A HALF

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