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Posted by Triple K Kennel on 11-10-2022 04:34 AM:


Originally posted by shadinc
How do they get away with this? Just like the booty call gone bad at Nancy's house.

Ummmm........Probably because the right makes it up as they go....they believe in FB way too much.....😉😁🤣

Track B4 Tree

Quality, Dependable Coon Lights--Built by a Coonhunter for Coonhunters
** Superior Lites


** Zepp's--Quality Products

** Brighteyes Lights

**Hellcat Maxx E.S.

** They Twist it until they start believing it themselves**

Purina Dog Food
** Proven Results **


Competition Coonhunters and Politicians
** Win anyway you have to & tell everyone what they want to hear **

Posted by sleepy head on 11-10-2022 10:47 AM:

Anybody remember the lawyer lady that claimed to have all the goods on the vote machines? She came out of the blue, was made out to be some sort voter fraud expert. She got sued and took all her proof and went away. Will she ever come back and present her evidence?

Posted by shadinc on 11-10-2022 04:24 PM:

Re: Fake

Originally posted by Triple K Kennel
Ummmm........Probably because the right makes it up as they go....they believe in FB way too much.....😉😁🤣

Did FB make up Ray Epps?

Donald Bergeron

Posted by Richard Lambert on 11-10-2022 04:59 PM:

This was written in response to Vietnam War and Civil Rights Movement. It still holds true today. Isn't it amazing how the times change but still stay the same.

Posted by Richard Lambert on 11-10-2022 05:11 PM:

Re: Voting

Originally posted by Triple K Kennel
Bragging.....Nope, not at all. They are not fit for Office so I won't waste my time voting for any of them.
It's my choice & I chose to sit out on this one.....has nothing to do with being Patriotic.....LOL
**Nothing Patriotic about what happened on Jan. 6th & on our Capitol and the list goes on & on.
But everyone has their own perception of what being Patriotic is....

Does anyone remember those dirty hippie Vietnam War protestors that rioted all over the country? They actually burned their draft cards. Does anyone remember the Kent State massacre? Were those hippy protesters being unpatriotic? Were they dissidents? I guess that you are right. Everyone has their own perception of what patriotism is. A lot of people's perception is formed from watching and listening to MSM and social media. That is why the democrats have weaponized them.

Posted by honalieh on 11-11-2022 05:46 AM:

Re: Re: Re: Voting

Originally posted by Triple K Kennel
As I said.....Everyone has a different perception of what Patriotic is.
The few bad apples turned out to be hundreds storming the Capitol Building, Fighting with Law Enforcement, busting doors & windows, chanting to hang our VP while our POTUS was watching it on television & laughing about it.
The ones that were there & remained on the grounds & not being violent etc. then yes I can agree with those.....But the 'few" bad apples didn't get what they wanted, but sure are getting what they deserved.

A Coup Attempt against the United States certainly is not patriotic.
The sad part is that Trump announced it, in nuanced words, at a Georgia rally. And, no preventative action was taken. He basically told us he was going to attempt a coup. He did it. Now, we have to investigate it. DA!

As far as people getting what they deserve, I partially disagree. Some of the mindless, brainwashed followers are getting penalized/imprisoned, but the planners and orchestrators of the COUP AGAINST THE UNITED STATES, are getting off scot free (so far). Some got pardons.

I do agree with the "elitist" comment I saw above. Our so-called representatives (both R&D) seem to consider themselves as a ruling class instead of a representative class. I believe that our politicians should be chosen in the same manner that we select our jurors (luck of the draw---if you are registered to vote, you may be selected to serve). If that method is good for life/death/imprisonment decisions, why not for representative decisions? Shouldn't we have truck drivers, public school teachers, police officers, etc, representing us, instead of career politicians? It should be: "Of, By, and For The People", not "Over The People."

Posted by Triple K Kennel on 11-11-2022 11:25 AM:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting

Originally posted by honalieh
A Coup Attempt against the United States certainly is not patriotic.
The sad part is that Trump announced it, in nuanced words, at a Georgia rally. And, no preventative action was taken. He basically told us he was going to attempt a coup. He did it. Now, we have to investigate it. DA!

As far as people getting what they deserve, I partially disagree. Some of the mindless, brainwashed followers are getting penalized/imprisoned, but the planners and orchestrators of the COUP AGAINST THE UNITED STATES, are getting off scot free (so far). Some got pardons.

I do agree with the "elitist" comment I saw above. Our so-called representatives (both R&D) seem to consider themselves as a ruling class instead of a representative class. I believe that our politicians should be chosen in the same manner that we select our jurors (luck of the draw---if you are registered to vote, you may be selected to serve). If that method is good for life/death/imprisonment decisions, why not for representative decisions? Shouldn't we have truck drivers, public school teachers, police officers, etc, representing us, instead of career politicians? It should be: "Of, By, and For The People", not "Over The People."

Agreed....on most of your statement. Career Politicians are what is destroying this Country and yes they think they are above hear them all the time say WE ARE GOING TO DO THIS OR WE ARE NOT GOING TO DO's never they will do what the Voters want them to do.
As far as Trump.....Yes he did help Orchestrate a Coup.against the United States.....Because he got his Tail beat & beat bad and he couldn't stand that he got Fired & I would NEVER Vote for him again or anyone he endorses. HE is deranged & used to getting his way. He is already starting to Bad Mouth Ron DeSantis just because he will be running against him if Trump runs ( I don't think he will be able to once they get done with him...😉 )......we will see.

Track B4 Tree

Quality, Dependable Coon Lights--Built by a Coonhunter for Coonhunters
** Superior Lites


** Zepp's--Quality Products

** Brighteyes Lights

**Hellcat Maxx E.S.

** They Twist it until they start believing it themselves**

Purina Dog Food
** Proven Results **


Competition Coonhunters and Politicians
** Win anyway you have to & tell everyone what they want to hear **

Posted by 4play on 11-11-2022 05:25 PM:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting

[QUOTE]Originally posted by honalieh
[B]A Coup Attempt against the United States certainly is not patriotic.
The sad part is that Trump announced it, in nuanced words, at a Georgia rally. And, no preventative action was taken. He basically to

Hard to punish the FBI/CIA and the Democraps that were involved in the J6 'riots'.They set it up to make it wayyyy worse than would have been.
Denied Natl. Guard when TRUMP wanted to call them in for saftey!!

You guys whine and cry about J6 .What about the cities,businesses burned down.Looting, stealing the was Started and funded by the LEFT!! You forget about BLM already ..Dem funded?
Even paid to bail them pos,so they could do it again.
NOBODY was killed many died during the summer long RIOTS!!
Keep drinking that Blue's worked real well in last 2 yrs.
USA economy crashes while your POS Potus send BILLIONS in USA taxpayer $$$ to Ukraine.
How's that 401k or Ira looking? Yep,Gone to Ukraine
Drugs and illegals pouring in,your prob ok with that too,until it effects your family.
But lets keep using J6 and Trump as the scape goat.I'm not 100% on board with Trump.I can say he makes this admin look STUPID.
Every Democrap POTUS has hurt this country...starting off with Slick Willy and his 'Free Trade' scam he signed.

Grnitech Pkc ch Skuna River Midnite Moe
{Skuna River Bark x Trackman's Sassy}

Nitech Stylish Clover Shark Jill - RIP 'Ole Girl
{Great White Shark x Brush Creek Patch}

Posted by harleydan1956 on 11-11-2022 07:19 PM:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting

Originally posted by 4play
[QUOTE]Originally posted by honalieh
[B]A Coup Attempt against the United States certainly is not patriotic.
The sad part is that Trump announced it, in nuanced words, at a Georgia rally. And, no preventative action was taken. He basically to

Hard to punish the FBI/CIA and the Democraps that were involved in the J6 'riots'.They set it up to make it wayyyy worse than would have been.
Denied Natl. Guard when TRUMP wanted to call them in for saftey!!

You guys whine and cry about J6 .What about the cities,businesses burned down.Looting, stealing the was Started and funded by the LEFT!! You forget about BLM already ..Dem funded?
Even paid to bail them pos,so they could do it again.
NOBODY was killed many died during the summer long RIOTS!!
Keep drinking that Blue's worked real well in last 2 yrs.
USA economy crashes while your POS Potus send BILLIONS in USA taxpayer $$$ to Ukraine.
How's that 401k or Ira looking? Yep,Gone to Ukraine
Drugs and illegals pouring in,your prob ok with that too,until it effects your family.
But lets keep using J6 and Trump as the scape goat.I'm not 100% on board with Trump.I can say he makes this admin look STUPID.
Every Democrap POTUS has hurt this country...starting off with Slick Willy and his 'Free Trade' scam he signed.

One wrong fact. There was someone killed. A woman with a cell phone. Guard UN-NAMED. Never charged... killed fir trespassing...

Lethal Blue kennels.
Where the females count and you will never see a "brood" female!
Dan and Kris Rosier
Canton, ohio

Home of: Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Lil Bit of Respect.... Ch. Nite Ch PR Shivers' Magic Lead X GR. Ch. Nite Ch PR Lethal Blue Betty Jane
PR. Lethal Blue Tayen Grace..... Nite Ch. Pr Coffins creek running J.R. X Gr Ch Nite Ch PR Lethal Blue Moonlite Serenade.

Gone but never forgotten
Gr Ch. Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Moonlight Serenade... Gr. Ch. Nite Ch PR Hillbillys Smokey River Dutch HTX X Gr. Ch. Nite CH. PR Lethal Blue Izabell Sitara

Gr. Ch. Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Izabell Sitara... Dual Gr. Ch PR Bowens Blue Deuce X Ch. Nite Ch. PR Becky.

Gr Ch Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Betty Jane...... PR. Crites Soggy Bottom Blue Banjo X PR. Mosquito Creek Tree mamma Sis

Gr Ch. Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Rattlin Samantha ... Dual Gr Ch PR Mid Ohio Rattlin Sam X Gr Ch PR. Lethal Blue Jet's Xena

Gr. Ch. Nite Ch Hillbilly's Smokey River Blue Dutch HTX..... Gr. Ch. Gr. Nite Ch Pr. Smokey River Tramp's Blue Lake and Pr. Misty River Blue Doll III.
(Dutch wasn't ours, but he was here and like one of the family)

Pr. Dan's little Porter.... my last beagle...

Posted by harleydan1956 on 11-11-2022 07:19 PM:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting

Originally posted by 4play
[QUOTE]Originally posted by honalieh
[B]A Coup Attempt against the United States certainly is not patriotic.
The sad part is that Trump announced it, in nuanced words, at a Georgia rally. And, no preventative action was taken. He basically to

Hard to punish the FBI/CIA and the Democraps that were involved in the J6 'riots'.They set it up to make it wayyyy worse than would have been.
Denied Natl. Guard when TRUMP wanted to call them in for saftey!!

You guys whine and cry about J6 .What about the cities,businesses burned down.Looting, stealing the was Started and funded by the LEFT!! You forget about BLM already ..Dem funded?
Even paid to bail them pos,so they could do it again.
NOBODY was killed many died during the summer long RIOTS!!
Keep drinking that Blue's worked real well in last 2 yrs.
USA economy crashes while your POS Potus send BILLIONS in USA taxpayer $$$ to Ukraine.
How's that 401k or Ira looking? Yep,Gone to Ukraine
Drugs and illegals pouring in,your prob ok with that too,until it effects your family.
But lets keep using J6 and Trump as the scape goat.I'm not 100% on board with Trump.I can say he makes this admin look STUPID.
Every Democrap POTUS has hurt this country...starting off with Slick Willy and his 'Free Trade' scam he signed.

One wrong fact. There was someone killed. A woman with a cell phone. Guard UN-NAMED. Never charged... killed for trespassing...

Lethal Blue kennels.
Where the females count and you will never see a "brood" female!
Dan and Kris Rosier
Canton, ohio

Home of: Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Lil Bit of Respect.... Ch. Nite Ch PR Shivers' Magic Lead X GR. Ch. Nite Ch PR Lethal Blue Betty Jane
PR. Lethal Blue Tayen Grace..... Nite Ch. Pr Coffins creek running J.R. X Gr Ch Nite Ch PR Lethal Blue Moonlite Serenade.

Gone but never forgotten
Gr Ch. Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Moonlight Serenade... Gr. Ch. Nite Ch PR Hillbillys Smokey River Dutch HTX X Gr. Ch. Nite CH. PR Lethal Blue Izabell Sitara

Gr. Ch. Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Izabell Sitara... Dual Gr. Ch PR Bowens Blue Deuce X Ch. Nite Ch. PR Becky.

Gr Ch Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Betty Jane...... PR. Crites Soggy Bottom Blue Banjo X PR. Mosquito Creek Tree mamma Sis

Gr Ch. Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Rattlin Samantha ... Dual Gr Ch PR Mid Ohio Rattlin Sam X Gr Ch PR. Lethal Blue Jet's Xena

Gr. Ch. Nite Ch Hillbilly's Smokey River Blue Dutch HTX..... Gr. Ch. Gr. Nite Ch Pr. Smokey River Tramp's Blue Lake and Pr. Misty River Blue Doll III.
(Dutch wasn't ours, but he was here and like one of the family)

Pr. Dan's little Porter.... my last beagle...

Posted by shadinc on 11-12-2022 03:03 PM:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting

Originally posted by harleydan1956
One wrong fact. There was someone killed. A woman with a cell phone. Guard UN-NAMED. Never charged... killed for trespassing...
And why is Ray Epps on his ranch in Arizona instead of being Interrogated by someone other than the FBI? If you watched any video of the "insurrection", he should have been the first person arrested.

Donald Bergeron

Posted by Triple K Kennel on 11-12-2022 03:04 PM:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting

Originally posted by harleydan1956
One wrong fact. There was someone killed. A woman with a cell phone. Guard UN-NAMED. Never charged... killed for trespassing...

It's certainly sad for sure.....the poor girl obviously didn't know the dangerous consequences of her actions, breaking into the Chamber and being confronted by Armed Capitol Police....not just a Guard. She was certainly Brainwashed and now her life is over......was it really worth it ?

Track B4 Tree

Quality, Dependable Coon Lights--Built by a Coonhunter for Coonhunters
** Superior Lites


** Zepp's--Quality Products

** Brighteyes Lights

**Hellcat Maxx E.S.

** They Twist it until they start believing it themselves**

Purina Dog Food
** Proven Results **


Competition Coonhunters and Politicians
** Win anyway you have to & tell everyone what they want to hear **

Posted by harleydan1956 on 11-12-2022 04:34 PM:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting

Originally posted by Triple K Kennel
It's certainly sad for sure.....the poor girl obviously didn't know the dangerous consequences of her actions, breaking into the Chamber and being confronted by Armed Capitol Police....not just a Guard. She was certainly Brainwashed and now her life is over......was it really worth it ?

But masses broke into federal buildings all over the United States. Even taking over 7 city blocks and a police station. All run by Demorat mayors and police were told to stand down. Police take over violators had weapons... what was the difference? Who brainwashed her? The Demorats that previously allowed trespassing? Thought trespassing wasn't a killing crime? Not without a weapon. Try that at your home. See if you get charged.
Alec Baldwin, a staunch outspoken Demorat was never charged. Who is brainwashing who?

Lethal Blue kennels.
Where the females count and you will never see a "brood" female!
Dan and Kris Rosier
Canton, ohio

Home of: Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Lil Bit of Respect.... Ch. Nite Ch PR Shivers' Magic Lead X GR. Ch. Nite Ch PR Lethal Blue Betty Jane
PR. Lethal Blue Tayen Grace..... Nite Ch. Pr Coffins creek running J.R. X Gr Ch Nite Ch PR Lethal Blue Moonlite Serenade.

Gone but never forgotten
Gr Ch. Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Moonlight Serenade... Gr. Ch. Nite Ch PR Hillbillys Smokey River Dutch HTX X Gr. Ch. Nite CH. PR Lethal Blue Izabell Sitara

Gr. Ch. Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Izabell Sitara... Dual Gr. Ch PR Bowens Blue Deuce X Ch. Nite Ch. PR Becky.

Gr Ch Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Betty Jane...... PR. Crites Soggy Bottom Blue Banjo X PR. Mosquito Creek Tree mamma Sis

Gr Ch. Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Rattlin Samantha ... Dual Gr Ch PR Mid Ohio Rattlin Sam X Gr Ch PR. Lethal Blue Jet's Xena

Gr. Ch. Nite Ch Hillbilly's Smokey River Blue Dutch HTX..... Gr. Ch. Gr. Nite Ch Pr. Smokey River Tramp's Blue Lake and Pr. Misty River Blue Doll III.
(Dutch wasn't ours, but he was here and like one of the family)

Pr. Dan's little Porter.... my last beagle...

Posted by Triple K Kennel on 11-12-2022 04:48 PM:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting

Originally posted by harleydan1956
But masses broke into federal buildings all over the United States. Even taking over 7 city blocks and a police station. All run by Demorat mayors and police were told to stand down. Police take over violators had weapons... what was the difference? Who brainwashed her? The Demorats that previously allowed trespassing? Thought trespassing wasn't a killing crime? Not without a weapon. Try that at your home. See if you get charged.
Alec Baldwin, a staunch outspoken Demorat was never charged. Who is brainwashing who?

It's not just trespassing. The Capitol has armed Police there for a reason and when you have the Mob that was there that day, breaking thru a door or window trying to get into where our VP & others's not going to be a good outcome. Twist it until it sounds good to you....LOL
If someone breaks into my house & me in there, I guarantee you I won't be worried about being charged when they come to get what's left of the " Trespasser "....LMAO....😉😁
Who brainwashed her ?......That's easy, Trump was the instigator, then whatever group like the Proud Boys etc.

Track B4 Tree

Quality, Dependable Coon Lights--Built by a Coonhunter for Coonhunters
** Superior Lites


** Zepp's--Quality Products

** Brighteyes Lights

**Hellcat Maxx E.S.

** They Twist it until they start believing it themselves**

Purina Dog Food
** Proven Results **


Competition Coonhunters and Politicians
** Win anyway you have to & tell everyone what they want to hear **

Posted by Richard Lambert on 11-12-2022 06:33 PM:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting

Originally posted by Triple K Kennel
It's not just trespassing. The Capitol has armed Police there for a reason and when you have the Mob that was there that day, breaking thru a door or window trying to get into where our VP & others's not going to be a good outcome. Twist it until it sounds good to you....LOL
If someone breaks into my house & me in there, I guarantee you I won't be worried about being charged when they come to get what's left of the " Trespasser "....LMAO....😉😁
Who brainwashed her ?......That's easy, Trump was the instigator, then whatever group like the Proud Boys etc.

Oh my goodness, what a twist. "Your" home is your private property. The Capitol Building is public property. It belongs to everyone. Why didn't they just let them in? They would have just protested. There was really no way that they could have changed the outcome of the election. The riot started when they were refused entry.

Posted by harleydan1956 on 11-12-2022 07:02 PM:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting

Originally posted by Triple K Kennel
It's not just trespassing. The Capitol has armed Police there for a reason and when you have the Mob that was there that day, breaking thru a door or window trying to get into where our VP & others's not going to be a good outcome. Twist it until it sounds good to you....LOL
If someone breaks into my house & me in there, I guarantee you I won't be worried about being charged when they come to get what's left of the " Trespasser "....LMAO....😉😁
Who brainwashed her ?......That's easy, Trump was the instigator, then whatever group like the Proud Boys etc.

So, you are admitting you'd kill someone for trespassing, whether armed or not? Never went and got a dog on private property.. did you deserve to die? You were trespassing, at night... . Armed guards are for life threatening incidents... Not cell-phones... twist it your way till it sounds right. Everyone of us has trespassed at one time or another. Even stand your ground law DICTATES, use of deadly force can only be used if life is threatened. Guard admitted he shot blindly through hole in the door...

Lethal Blue kennels.
Where the females count and you will never see a "brood" female!
Dan and Kris Rosier
Canton, ohio

Home of: Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Lil Bit of Respect.... Ch. Nite Ch PR Shivers' Magic Lead X GR. Ch. Nite Ch PR Lethal Blue Betty Jane
PR. Lethal Blue Tayen Grace..... Nite Ch. Pr Coffins creek running J.R. X Gr Ch Nite Ch PR Lethal Blue Moonlite Serenade.

Gone but never forgotten
Gr Ch. Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Moonlight Serenade... Gr. Ch. Nite Ch PR Hillbillys Smokey River Dutch HTX X Gr. Ch. Nite CH. PR Lethal Blue Izabell Sitara

Gr. Ch. Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Izabell Sitara... Dual Gr. Ch PR Bowens Blue Deuce X Ch. Nite Ch. PR Becky.

Gr Ch Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Betty Jane...... PR. Crites Soggy Bottom Blue Banjo X PR. Mosquito Creek Tree mamma Sis

Gr Ch. Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Rattlin Samantha ... Dual Gr Ch PR Mid Ohio Rattlin Sam X Gr Ch PR. Lethal Blue Jet's Xena

Gr. Ch. Nite Ch Hillbilly's Smokey River Blue Dutch HTX..... Gr. Ch. Gr. Nite Ch Pr. Smokey River Tramp's Blue Lake and Pr. Misty River Blue Doll III.
(Dutch wasn't ours, but he was here and like one of the family)

Pr. Dan's little Porter.... my last beagle...

Posted by harleydan1956 on 11-12-2022 07:02 PM:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting

Originally posted by Triple K Kennel
It's not just trespassing. The Capitol has armed Police there for a reason and when you have the Mob that was there that day, breaking thru a door or window trying to get into where our VP & others's not going to be a good outcome. Twist it until it sounds good to you....LOL
If someone breaks into my house & me in there, I guarantee you I won't be worried about being charged when they come to get what's left of the " Trespasser "....LMAO....😉😁
Who brainwashed her ?......That's easy, Trump was the instigator, then whatever group like the Proud Boys etc.

So, you are admitting you'd kill someone for trespassing, whether armed or not? Never went and got a dog on private property.. did you deserve to die? You were trespassing, at night... . Armed guards are for life threatening incidents... ot cell-phones... twist it your way till it sounds right. Everyone of us has trespassed at one time e ir another. Even stand your ground law DICTATES, use of deadly force can only be used if life is threatened. Guard admitted he shot blindly through hole in the door...

Lethal Blue kennels.
Where the females count and you will never see a "brood" female!
Dan and Kris Rosier
Canton, ohio

Home of: Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Lil Bit of Respect.... Ch. Nite Ch PR Shivers' Magic Lead X GR. Ch. Nite Ch PR Lethal Blue Betty Jane
PR. Lethal Blue Tayen Grace..... Nite Ch. Pr Coffins creek running J.R. X Gr Ch Nite Ch PR Lethal Blue Moonlite Serenade.

Gone but never forgotten
Gr Ch. Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Moonlight Serenade... Gr. Ch. Nite Ch PR Hillbillys Smokey River Dutch HTX X Gr. Ch. Nite CH. PR Lethal Blue Izabell Sitara

Gr. Ch. Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Izabell Sitara... Dual Gr. Ch PR Bowens Blue Deuce X Ch. Nite Ch. PR Becky.

Gr Ch Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Betty Jane...... PR. Crites Soggy Bottom Blue Banjo X PR. Mosquito Creek Tree mamma Sis

Gr Ch. Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Rattlin Samantha ... Dual Gr Ch PR Mid Ohio Rattlin Sam X Gr Ch PR. Lethal Blue Jet's Xena

Gr. Ch. Nite Ch Hillbilly's Smokey River Blue Dutch HTX..... Gr. Ch. Gr. Nite Ch Pr. Smokey River Tramp's Blue Lake and Pr. Misty River Blue Doll III.
(Dutch wasn't ours, but he was here and like one of the family)

Pr. Dan's little Porter.... my last beagle...

Posted by harleydan1956 on 11-12-2022 07:02 PM:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting

Originally posted by Triple K Kennel
It's not just trespassing. The Capitol has armed Police there for a reason and when you have the Mob that was there that day, breaking thru a door or window trying to get into where our VP & others's not going to be a good outcome. Twist it until it sounds good to you....LOL
If someone breaks into my house & me in there, I guarantee you I won't be worried about being charged when they come to get what's left of the " Trespasser "....LMAO....😉😁
Who brainwashed her ?......That's easy, Trump was the instigator, then whatever group like the Proud Boys etc.

So, you are admitting you'd kill someone for trespassing, whether armed or not? Never went and got a dog on private property.. did you deserve to die? You were trespassing, at night... . Armed guards are for life threatening incidents... ot cell-phones... twist it your way till it sounds right. Everyone of us has trespassed at one time e ir another. Even stand your ground law DICTATES, use of deadly force can only be used if life is threatened. Guard admitted he shot blindly through hole in the door...

Lethal Blue kennels.
Where the females count and you will never see a "brood" female!
Dan and Kris Rosier
Canton, ohio

Home of: Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Lil Bit of Respect.... Ch. Nite Ch PR Shivers' Magic Lead X GR. Ch. Nite Ch PR Lethal Blue Betty Jane
PR. Lethal Blue Tayen Grace..... Nite Ch. Pr Coffins creek running J.R. X Gr Ch Nite Ch PR Lethal Blue Moonlite Serenade.

Gone but never forgotten
Gr Ch. Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Moonlight Serenade... Gr. Ch. Nite Ch PR Hillbillys Smokey River Dutch HTX X Gr. Ch. Nite CH. PR Lethal Blue Izabell Sitara

Gr. Ch. Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Izabell Sitara... Dual Gr. Ch PR Bowens Blue Deuce X Ch. Nite Ch. PR Becky.

Gr Ch Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Betty Jane...... PR. Crites Soggy Bottom Blue Banjo X PR. Mosquito Creek Tree mamma Sis

Gr Ch. Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Rattlin Samantha ... Dual Gr Ch PR Mid Ohio Rattlin Sam X Gr Ch PR. Lethal Blue Jet's Xena

Gr. Ch. Nite Ch Hillbilly's Smokey River Blue Dutch HTX..... Gr. Ch. Gr. Nite Ch Pr. Smokey River Tramp's Blue Lake and Pr. Misty River Blue Doll III.
(Dutch wasn't ours, but he was here and like one of the family)

Pr. Dan's little Porter.... my last beagle...

Posted by Triple K Kennel on 11-12-2022 08:18 PM:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting

Originally posted by harleydan1956
So, you are admitting you'd kill someone for trespassing, whether armed or not? Never went and got a dog on private property.. did you deserve to die? You were trespassing, at night... . Armed guards are for life threatening incidents... ot cell-phones... twist it your way till it sounds right. Everyone of us has trespassed at one time e ir another. Even stand your ground law DICTATES, use of deadly force can only be used if life is threatened. Guard admitted he shot blindly through hole in the door...

Man that's about as a poor comparison as I have ever seen....LOL.
42+ years of Coonhunting & I have NEVER went onto property that I didn't have permission....!!!
I did my Homework & Prepared for it by going in the daylight & talking with people 5 miles around anywhere I was Hunting and letting them know where I was Hunting & should my dogs get on their property if it would be fine to go get them at 2 a.m......
Not a single one ever gave me a problem...!!!
If someone comes property in my eyes they are not trespassing as long as I know they are there......if someone breaks into my house on me & my Family then I take it they are there to do us harm and I won't make any excuses for my actions other than I was scared for our lives and that's why you ALWAYS keep a couple of very real looking toy guns around because it's hard to tell a toy from the real thing at 2 a.m.......😁😉👍👍

Track B4 Tree

Quality, Dependable Coon Lights--Built by a Coonhunter for Coonhunters
** Superior Lites


** Zepp's--Quality Products

** Brighteyes Lights

**Hellcat Maxx E.S.

** They Twist it until they start believing it themselves**

Purina Dog Food
** Proven Results **


Competition Coonhunters and Politicians
** Win anyway you have to & tell everyone what they want to hear **

Posted by yadkinriver on 11-12-2022 11:32 PM:

42 yrs of coonhunting and you never trespassed and everyone within a 5 mile radius said it was ok? Little hard to real hard to believe.

Posted by Triple K Kennel on 11-12-2022 11:57 PM:

No trespassing

Originally posted by yadkinriver
42 yrs of coonhunting and you never trespassed and everyone within a 5 mile radius said it was ok? Little hard to real hard to believe.

Doesn't change anything if you believe it or not.
I have never been on a property I did not have permission on. I have Hunted in KY, Indiana, Ohio, Virginia & Illinois.......Permission on all and at least a 5 mile radius.....sometimes more.
Never been checked out by a Game Warden & Never had anyone come around raising hell.....been lucky for sure.

Track B4 Tree

Quality, Dependable Coon Lights--Built by a Coonhunter for Coonhunters
** Superior Lites


** Zepp's--Quality Products

** Brighteyes Lights

**Hellcat Maxx E.S.

** They Twist it until they start believing it themselves**

Purina Dog Food
** Proven Results **


Competition Coonhunters and Politicians
** Win anyway you have to & tell everyone what they want to hear **

Posted by harleydan1956 on 11-13-2022 07:00 AM:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting

Originally posted by Triple K Kennel
Man that's about as a poor comparison as I have ever seen....LOL.
42+ years of Coonhunting & I have NEVER went onto property that I didn't have permission....!!!
I did my Homework & Prepared for it by going in the daylight & talking with people 5 miles around anywhere I was Hunting and letting them know where I was Hunting & should my dogs get on their property if it would be fine to go get them at 2 a.m......
Not a single one ever gave me a problem...!!!
If someone comes property in my eyes they are not trespassing as long as I know they are there......if someone breaks into my house on me & my Family then I take it they are there to do us harm and I won't make any excuses for my actions other than I was scared for our lives and that's why you ALWAYS keep a couple of very real looking toy guns around because it's hard to tell a toy from the real thing at 2 a.m.......😁😉👍👍

Toy guns, but you already stated "what's left of them"... and a woman with a cellphone is a danger... what a never have I heard of everyone in a 5 mile radius giving Hunting permission, never.. my 53rd kill season.. never..

Lethal Blue kennels.
Where the females count and you will never see a "brood" female!
Dan and Kris Rosier
Canton, ohio

Home of: Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Lil Bit of Respect.... Ch. Nite Ch PR Shivers' Magic Lead X GR. Ch. Nite Ch PR Lethal Blue Betty Jane
PR. Lethal Blue Tayen Grace..... Nite Ch. Pr Coffins creek running J.R. X Gr Ch Nite Ch PR Lethal Blue Moonlite Serenade.

Gone but never forgotten
Gr Ch. Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Moonlight Serenade... Gr. Ch. Nite Ch PR Hillbillys Smokey River Dutch HTX X Gr. Ch. Nite CH. PR Lethal Blue Izabell Sitara

Gr. Ch. Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Izabell Sitara... Dual Gr. Ch PR Bowens Blue Deuce X Ch. Nite Ch. PR Becky.

Gr Ch Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Betty Jane...... PR. Crites Soggy Bottom Blue Banjo X PR. Mosquito Creek Tree mamma Sis

Gr Ch. Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Rattlin Samantha ... Dual Gr Ch PR Mid Ohio Rattlin Sam X Gr Ch PR. Lethal Blue Jet's Xena

Gr. Ch. Nite Ch Hillbilly's Smokey River Blue Dutch HTX..... Gr. Ch. Gr. Nite Ch Pr. Smokey River Tramp's Blue Lake and Pr. Misty River Blue Doll III.
(Dutch wasn't ours, but he was here and like one of the family)

Pr. Dan's little Porter.... my last beagle...

Posted by Triple K Kennel on 11-13-2022 12:26 PM:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting

Originally posted by harleydan1956
Toy guns, but you already stated "what's left of them"... and a woman with a cellphone is a danger... what a never have I heard of everyone in a 5 mile radius giving Hunting permission, never.. my 53rd kill season.. never..

You can't comprehend very well, I can tell.
The Toy Gun is is what the Intruder brought with him...😉
Hunting permission in a 5 mile radius ?....I never said that, I said permission to retrieve my dog in a 5 mile radius.
I can see why you can't get permission.....LOL...😁😁

Twist it until you start believing it yourself...LMAO....😉😁

Track B4 Tree

Quality, Dependable Coon Lights--Built by a Coonhunter for Coonhunters
** Superior Lites


** Zepp's--Quality Products

** Brighteyes Lights

**Hellcat Maxx E.S.

** They Twist it until they start believing it themselves**

Purina Dog Food
** Proven Results **


Competition Coonhunters and Politicians
** Win anyway you have to & tell everyone what they want to hear **

Posted by harleydan1956 on 11-13-2022 03:04 PM:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting

Originally posted by Triple K Kennel
You can't comprehend very well, I can tell.
The Toy Gun is is what the Intruder brought with him...😉
Hunting permission in a 5 mile radius ?....I never said that, I said permission to retrieve my dog in a 5 mile radius.
I can see why you can't get permission.....LOL...😁😁

Twist it until you start believing it yourself...LMAO....😉😁

I can comprehend. You'll set someone up for murder by giving them a toy gun... and people Brainwashed the young lady... and still.. 5 mile radius... lol... that's what..200 people? Wow... must be a smooth talker

Lethal Blue kennels.
Where the females count and you will never see a "brood" female!
Dan and Kris Rosier
Canton, ohio

Home of: Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Lil Bit of Respect.... Ch. Nite Ch PR Shivers' Magic Lead X GR. Ch. Nite Ch PR Lethal Blue Betty Jane
PR. Lethal Blue Tayen Grace..... Nite Ch. Pr Coffins creek running J.R. X Gr Ch Nite Ch PR Lethal Blue Moonlite Serenade.

Gone but never forgotten
Gr Ch. Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Moonlight Serenade... Gr. Ch. Nite Ch PR Hillbillys Smokey River Dutch HTX X Gr. Ch. Nite CH. PR Lethal Blue Izabell Sitara

Gr. Ch. Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Izabell Sitara... Dual Gr. Ch PR Bowens Blue Deuce X Ch. Nite Ch. PR Becky.

Gr Ch Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Betty Jane...... PR. Crites Soggy Bottom Blue Banjo X PR. Mosquito Creek Tree mamma Sis

Gr Ch. Nite Ch. PR. Lethal Blue Rattlin Samantha ... Dual Gr Ch PR Mid Ohio Rattlin Sam X Gr Ch PR. Lethal Blue Jet's Xena

Gr. Ch. Nite Ch Hillbilly's Smokey River Blue Dutch HTX..... Gr. Ch. Gr. Nite Ch Pr. Smokey River Tramp's Blue Lake and Pr. Misty River Blue Doll III.
(Dutch wasn't ours, but he was here and like one of the family)

Pr. Dan's little Porter.... my last beagle...

Posted by shadinc on 11-13-2022 03:04 PM:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Voting

Originally posted by Triple K Kennel
You can't comprehend very well, I can tell.
The Toy Gun is is what the Intruder brought with him...😉
Hunting permission in a 5 mile radius ?....I never said that, I said permission to retrieve my dog in a 5 mile radius.
I can see why you can't get permission.....LOL...😁😁

Twist it until you start believing it yourself...LMAO....😉😁

You're a lucky man to have that kind of hunting land in 5 different states. It would take me 6 months to talk to everyone within 5 miles of where I hunt.

Donald Bergeron

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