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Posted by Richard Lambert on 06-08-2022 11:04 PM:

The latest caravan is now up to 14,000 people.

Posted by Moderator III on 06-08-2022 11:28 PM:


Originally posted by Richard Lambert
The latest caravan is now up to 14,000 people.
Just a drop in the bucket ,more to come !

Posted by Richard Lambert on 06-09-2022 04:35 PM:

Oh my goodness, Mexican cartels are now running ads in Central American countries saying that for xxxx amount of money they will provide transportation and deliver them to and get them across the American border. These ads say that because of Biden's policies they will be admitted when they arrive. The cartels are making millions of $$$ because of Biden's open border.

Kamala Harris says that if we give the Central American governments billions of dollars, that will stop them from coming. That has been shown to be untrue. They have tried that and it hasn't worked.

Trump started construction of a border wall and implemented his "remain in Mexico" policy and that worked. Why did Biden and the libertarians stop a policy that worked and start one that doesn't work? Why are they refusing to admit that their way doesn't work and go back to the policy that worked? I don't understand.

Posted by Richard Lambert on 06-09-2022 05:05 PM:

Illegals from Central America pay the Mexican cartels to simply "guide" them and provide protection as they walk across Mexico. When they get across the border; the Biden administration flies them to a city within the US where they are given food, housing medical care and schooling for their children. All of this is done free of charge. Now is it any wonder why so many are coming?

If the democrats would fly me to Florida and provide me with food and a place to stay, I would leave home tomorrow.

Maybe they should fly the illegals back to their home country and feed and house them there.

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