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Posted by andrewdavis on 12-26-2017 04:24 AM:

Good looking hound!!!

Andy Davis
Pkc ch pr nitech chunky monkey
Pr deamons magic Morgan
Nitech grch shannons hillbilly cookie (rip)
Pr davis'hillbilly tiny diamond
team hillbilly mac !!!

Posted by 1912 on 01-01-2018 02:12 PM:


Originally posted by Ricochet17
Keep practicing your picture taking.

I’ll never be as good as you ricochet !!!

GrNtCh Split Creek History Slammer

Walk with Wick..or..Get Treed with Dentre

Posted by Ricochet17 on 01-02-2018 12:21 AM:

You are from Iowa...... there might be hope.

Member of the Keyboard Warrior Mafia

Posted by WalkerPower21 on 02-03-2018 02:13 PM:

17-18 season

SlamBam had another awesome hide season, even if we didn’t skin a single raccoon we treed a truck full of em!! Seen some awesome work seen some bad work but never in a million years would I trade him for anything!!

Now boys and girls some newer 1912 hounds are starting to show great potential!! Still too young but are headed in the right direction!!

Looking forward to this 2018 comp season, c y’all out there !

GrNtCh Split Creek History Slammer

Posted by Ricochet17 on 02-03-2018 06:04 PM:

You mean bench shows right?

Member of the Keyboard Warrior Mafia

Posted by WalkerPower21 on 02-03-2018 08:05 PM:

Originally posted by Ricochet17
You mean bench shows right?

You never know Ricochet !

GrNtCh Split Creek History Slammer

Posted by Ricochet17 on 02-03-2018 08:09 PM:

TW days final cast has a purse of $5k to the dogs. Just saying.

Member of the Keyboard Warrior Mafia

Posted by Spautz1912 on 03-02-2018 06:05 AM:

Been a beautiful week here in Eastern Iowa coons have been stirring good even on Bright moon lit nites!! SlamBam has been out doing his thing, can’t complain!! Looking forward to a yearly walker sectional in Livingston Wisconsin in a couple weeks!!
Ol Dentre gave us a scare but he will be okay!! He’s got his hands on a nice up an coming female he calls Switch!! He will be rode hunting this 1912 gyp heavy next few months!!

GrNtCh Split Creek History Slammer

Walk with Wick..Or Get Treed with Dentre

Posted by Ricochet17 on 03-19-2018 12:19 PM:

So I take it none of you made it to Arthur?

Member of the Keyboard Warrior Mafia

Posted by Spautz1912 on 03-20-2018 08:50 PM:

Unhappy Work life

No I had to slave my day/night away at work! went out pleasure hunting that night after work wasn't looking comp worthy anyway

As far as "The Champ" not sure.. I think I heard he was with strap on a bench in Anamosa but that could be a dirty rumor !

GrNtCh Split Creek History Slammer

Walk with Wick..Or Get Treed with Dentre

Posted by Ricochet17 on 04-01-2018 03:14 PM:

Congratulations to Team Strap on and Todd on the 600+cw at the Sigourney Iowa RQE.

Member of the Keyboard Warrior Mafia

Posted by mike shannon on 04-02-2018 01:48 PM:



If you can read this thank a TEACHER
If you can read this in English, thank a VETERAN

United States Army Retired

Posted by WalkerPower21 on 05-04-2018 05:42 PM:


Bout time I figured out how to reset password!!!

Rqe in Le Grand Tomorrow first hunt for SlamBam an I on the year!! Hopefully get er done!!

GrNtCh Split Creek History Slammer

Posted by WalkerPower21 on 05-13-2018 10:23 PM:


Slam bam had an awesome weekend!
Friday night 275+ CW 0-
Saturday night 825+ CW 0-
Made the final 4 cast to hunt for the wheeler!! Came up just short but all in all was an awesome weekend!! Thanks Wisconsin coohunters I hope this hunt continues to be held for many years to come!!

GrNtCh Split Creek History Slammer

Posted by WalkerPower21 on 09-27-2018 01:46 AM:

Well ol dentre is curious an needs some help!
He can’t seem to figure out what his bloodline needs!
His dogs just cant seem to travel in the heat so well! Is it cause they are to big of dogs maybe too much heart? Maybe he needs to breed to some smaller stuff? But he needs some advice! Yes dentre is asking for some info!
The dogs are above average in spring fall winter but when the dog days of summer arrive it’s a night an day difference! What could be the problem?

GrNtCh Split Creek History Slammer

Posted by Ricochet17 on 09-27-2018 06:02 AM:

Dogs have nailor, trackman up close in their pedigree.

Member of the Keyboard Warrior Mafia

Posted by WalkerPower21 on 09-28-2018 03:26 AM:

Dentre says you might be half right but your half wrong too
An your opionion don’t matter to him because he ain’t never been in a cast with you where you had a dog score more than 225+ let alone 12.5+
But your welcome to the steak in the freezer
Don’t forget agile an quick

GrNtCh Split Creek History Slammer

Posted by Ricochet17 on 09-28-2018 03:31 AM:

Agile was off of Trackman x Quick. I've been on several casts with him that the score was over 500+ (does he not remember last year at Arthur with you and Slammer) He better start getting in the woods more. He talks like he hunts every night in the week. Now I know where his son gets it.

Member of the Keyboard Warrior Mafia

Posted by WalkerPower21 on 09-28-2018 04:30 AM:

Re read what I wrote.
Reading was/is not your strong suit
I said he’s never hunted against you an your dog!
He’s never seen a ricochet dog score more than 12.5+

GrNtCh Split Creek History Slammer

Posted by Ricochet17 on 09-28-2018 04:42 AM:

And all I commented was what the dogs had in their pedigree first of all. What else..... Give the steak to the farm dog down the road. I don't want it.

Member of the Keyboard Warrior Mafia

Posted by WalkerPower21 on 09-28-2018 07:54 AM:

Dentre doesn’t know what’s up close in his bloodline..? Lmbo cmon
If you come at something a certain way don’t be surprised when it comes back the same way!

Now this is me asking... why would nailor an trackman up close make a dog average/less than average in the dog days of summer but above average in the rest of the days?

GrNtCh Split Creek History Slammer

Posted by Ricochet17 on 09-28-2018 11:39 AM:

You/he asked a question. I just let people know what the dogs had in their pedigree to help out. That is all.

Member of the Keyboard Warrior Mafia

Posted by WalkerPower21 on 09-28-2018 01:36 PM:

Nice try Jay
Don’t act like you weren’t being just a little bit sarcastic

You stated an answer to his question! The dogs don’t travel/Hunt well In the dog days of summer. You follow it up with cause nailor an trackman are up close!! So why is it that dogs are that way because nailor an trackman are up so close?

GrNtCh Split Creek History Slammer

Posted by swamp1 on 09-28-2018 08:14 PM:


The line I got of nailor and nocturnal Style hunt tirelessly, even of it 85 degrees at night. To dang far if anything, and tree real hard too even in the heat. Wide open.!

Posted by Ricochet17 on 09-29-2018 03:53 AM:

Originally posted by WalkerPower21
Nice try Jay
Don’t act like you weren’t being just a little bit sarcastic

You stated an answer to his question! The dogs don’t travel/Hunt well In the dog days of summer. You follow it up with cause nailor an trackman are up close!! So why is it that dogs are that way because nailor an trackman are up so close?

I wasn't saying that was the reason at all. If I was being sarcastic my phone would be ringing or the texts would be popping up. I'm done. Not another peep from me.

Member of the Keyboard Warrior Mafia

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