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Posted by steve bankston on 10-07-2019 12:51 PM:


Thanks Guys. My mom was liked and loved by many people and it was standing room only at the visitation. Never saw so many folks and appreciate everyone of them. The cancer got her here on earth but Gods got her now. I had a Dream after she died and I will tell of it when I get time to put it down. Right now we in Kentucky, been driving for over 10 hours and got 7 more to go. I’m not as fond of road trips as I used to be. Hurts to much.

Where hounds are more than just dogs, they are a part of the FAMILY.

Posted by steve bankston on 10-13-2019 10:22 PM:

Bo Treed the Ghost Coon!!!

We came home a couple days early from Ohio. Made one hunt in the Wayne National Forest and Bo got in theee Quarters Of a mile and treed one. Up and down 3 hills that were more like mountains. Had to slide 500 feet down one it was so steep and slick rock just under the leaves. The guy I met up there and had been talking to thru Facebook wasn’t as I had pictured in my mind. Just one of those things, sometimes 2 folks just don’t get along and I also felt like something else was going on that involved Bo and someone off in the Forest on a 4 wheeler. So I made the decision to get away from the area before my hound ended up stolen or I ended up in prison. Worst trip we have ever took and a lesson learned. Been treeing some at home and last night Bo treed the Albino Ghost Coon up a medium sized gnarly Turkey Pine. White as New Snow. The deer hunters have been seeing 2 white ones on their game cameras so apparently the one I saw 3 years ago is a Sow and has reproducered another white one. I left her to tree again. If Bo treed one of them again when I have Cayden or Mason and they want to take it I will let them and I will get it mounted for them. Other than that, I’m inly trying to get her treed where I can get Outstanding photographs and videos. In that pine tree I couldn’t find a good spot that it would show up on my cell phone. She was almost to the very top and surrounded by pine needles and limbs but her brilliant white gave her away. 3 Years of hunting in that area trying to get her treed and it happened on the Eve of the Orange Hunters Full Moon rising Tonight. Gonna try to put her up again when it gets dark. Sleepy texted and said that Rose sister won Queen of Hunt at the Fall Roundup this weekend in Missouri. Congrats to Earl and Elmo on the Big Win. Her name is Kandy and she is off my BO and Sleepy’s Ann female. Rose is just a few days away from having pups. She is due Wednesday or Thursday. Her belly isn’t showing big but her chest cavity is. She has bagged up and you can squeeze milk out. Hoping for a half dozen or so Black Headed Natural Coon Tree’ers.

Where hounds are more than just dogs, they are a part of the FAMILY.

Posted by steve bankston on 10-18-2019 01:09 AM:

Sad News on Rose Pups

There will be No Pups from Rose and Bocephus. She was due today. The past 2 days she had a dark brown/black discharge. Not good. Took her to Vet today and the Ultrasound showed a Mummified Pup in her. They are keeping her a few days and possibly a week, giving her shots and antibiotics to try and clean her out. If that don’t work she will have to be spayed. All pups were sold before I even bred her and I was keeping a couple. Lot of disappointed folks but none as bad as we are. Beverly and I along with Mason and Cayden were really wanting these pups. Heartbreaking when you put so much time, effort and money into something like this and then get nothing. I only Pray that Rose will fully recover and cycle again so I can get pups off her one day. I’m in the market for a pup off Bocephus and a top female if anyone has any or knows of some. Prefer female pup. Me and the grand boys need a pup to tromp around with here on the River this Fall and Winter. Bo treed the Albino Coon Again last night. Hoping to get some great pictures of her soon.

Where hounds are more than just dogs, they are a part of the FAMILY.

Posted by Ron Jackson on 10-18-2019 01:13 AM:

Sorry to hear that Steve. Hope she recovers and can still give you a litter.

Posted by W. Danny on 10-18-2019 02:16 AM:


Sorry to hear this Steve

Danny Williams

Posted by steve bankston on 10-21-2019 02:08 AM:


Thanks Ron and Danny. Rose passed the dead Mummified Pup out of her Friday Night at the Vets. He called me late Saturday evening and said she was starting to eat again and acting better and I could come get her. Picked her up and shucked several hundred more bucks out of my wallet and brought her home. She’s eating and drinking ok and I have her on the antibiotics he sent home for the next week. I believe she will be ok. She cycles every 9 months and should come back in around her 3rd birthday In May. We will see. I spent 1,610 bucks to get this litter of pups. Less the stud fee that should be in the mail on the way back to me, I’m still out 1,110 bucks and No Pups. That’s Vet Bills, test done, gas and hotel expenses getting her to Alabama then back from Tennessee. And other things for the pups like worker and milk replacer, kiddie pool for whelping, etc. Oh well, that’s life of a Coon Hunter. Try again another day. I’m buying a pup that should be here on the River soon. Mason and Cayden were really looking forward to some pups, same as me. Been a year since we had a little one around. Hopefully next week the new pup I’m buying will be here. Bo had been treeing Coon most every night and looking great doing it. Rose will be back in the woods end of next week. Time to get her in shape after 3 months of being off.

Where hounds are more than just dogs, they are a part of the FAMILY.

Posted by steve bankston on 10-22-2019 02:56 PM:


September we didn’t get a drop of Rain and now October it won’t stop. Rained all day yesterday but quit before dark so me and Bo went for a while. Haunted House Bottom he Treed over 700 yards deep and had the Coon. Took pictures and videos and moved to the Ghost Coons Territory. He worked a bad track and come Treed and had the Coon. Not the white one, just a regular colored Coon. Sun is out today and cooler. Be nice out tonight. Got 2 new pups coming off the Zero dog and a well bred gyp. Zero is half brother to Bo, both being off Bocephus. I’m going to start keeping a couple pups for the public each month. Anything from 3 months old to a year. They will be cared for as good as the Best and Better than Most. I am retired and have lots of time and take lots of walks along the River and woods where I live. Pups will learn to swim and handle water, the ways of the woods, riding in the Yamaha Rhino and Jet Boat, staked our and broke to lead, handled Every Day and run loose as much as possible with tracking collars on them under my supervision. They will eat Purina One, Turkey and Venison. It’s a 30/17 feed. Wormed if needed and ears get cleaned once a week and some drops put in them. They will live in insulated Sinker Cypress dog houses in a concert kennel with wood middle and upper decks. Have all the references you want on how I treat and handle pups. Guys in the cold north, you could send your pups here for the winter and they would be way ahead of the game when spring hit and you were ready to put them in the woods treeing Coon after your harsh winter was over. I’m headed to Indiana and Illinois sometimes I’m November and could pick the pup up and bring it home with me. 250 per month, 2 month minimum and that price includes Everything the pup needs except Vaccinations and Vet Care if needed. Look back through this thread I have on here and you will see how I love and care for pups and the type environment they will be in. None Better in my humble opinion.

Where hounds are more than just dogs, they are a part of the FAMILY.

Posted by Rolin Blues on 10-22-2019 04:40 PM:

Great news

Keep one slot open for me. will be headed your way after 1st of Jan. Born Sept. 2 & weaned them last week. or will bring down to Mr. Ed, when you are ready to head back south. I'm less than 4 hrs. N of him. Take care, Ron.

Posted by steve bankston on 10-26-2019 01:05 PM:

New Pups

Beverly and I rode 8 hours round trip to West Monroe Louisiana yesterday in hard rain and picked up my 2 new female pups. They turn 4 months old today and will be ready to start after deer season is over. Bold, Outgoing, Good Looking Girls. We have a Tropical Depression that is affecting us right now and have had 6 inches of rain in the past 24 hours and right now have 50mph winds. So playing with the pups and letting them explore their new river home isn’t an option today. Think I will name them Karma and Katrina. Two Bad Girls.
Ron, anytime you ready I will be glad to have your pup for a while down here. I will be at Mr Ed’s on November the 17th and leave for home on the morning if the 20th. You can come down and make a hunt with us one night and I can take the pup with me then if you like. It will learn a lot being out everyday for hours tromping around this river and riding with me Artifact Hunting and filling up Coon Fedders fir my pups that will be getting ready to start. Just let me know. Thanks.

Where hounds are more than just dogs, they are a part of the FAMILY.

Posted by steve bankston on 11-05-2019 02:22 PM:

Ghost Coon

Bo and Rose got after the Ghost Coon last night. I think she loves to run as much as the hounds do because she can sure lay down a track that will challenge the best of them. They drove her into the old river bed and it took them a few minutes but they got her out of there and the race was on. She went over the bank of the river then up it’s side going upriver a ways then doubled back to a big sandbar. She crossed the river and Bo did to. Rose was right behind him but got swept downstream further and couldn’t get up the bluff so came back to my side and I caught her up. Bo took that Coon way upriver and got treed at 0.96 miles. I drove the 2 miles home and put Rose in the kennel and loaded up in the Jet Boat. Been a couple of years since I’ve went down the river in it at night. I promised Beverly after I had my neck surgery that I wouldn’t hunt out of it again but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Bo was 1.11 miles downriver from the house and we could hear him good. The search light on my boat didn’t work so I had to use my Coon Hunting light to see as I drove. It was bad foggy in places and dangerous running wide open. I got down near him and tied up then walked the 537 yards on to him. Bo had her up a huge water oak and I left her to run again. Love running a Coon that loves to run and lays a tough track. Don’t get on many of those kind anymore. I said a Prayer before me and Bo headed back upriver for home and as I nailed the throttle and took off, a shooting star shot by right over our heads. I knew God heard me and that was his sign we would make it home safely, and we did.

Where hounds are more than just dogs, they are a part of the FAMILY.

Posted by Misty river on 11-05-2019 02:51 PM:

Ghost Coon

Sure sounds like a good hunt Steve. I love those good races. I don't like to have to put a boat in the river at night. I've had to do it a few times, but it sure is dangerous. There are so many snags sticking up just above the water and just below the water here on Pearl River, just waiting to rip a hole in the bottom of the boat, and I know that they are there on the Bogue Chitto River. Glad ole Bo got her treed again. I would have left her too. Take care and be careful Steve.

Posted by Darren Hollis on 11-05-2019 09:36 PM:


Glad to see you still hammering on them Blueticks!! Good hunting buddy!


GrChGrNtCh PR Southern Blue S&H’s Goose (Sparks&Hollis)
GrChGrNtCh PR Southern Blue Hardwood Cotton
GrNtCh PR Mose's Pink Floyd ( Co-Owned with Scott V)
Ch GrNtCh PR Frost Hollow Strap
ChNtCh PR Southern Blue Hardwood Dolly
ChGrNtCh PR Southern Blue Spanky ( Hollis & Hollis)
PR Southern Blue Cobb (NtChCh Uchtmans Andy x Ratliffs Blue Tell)
PR Southern Blue Betsy (Goose x Dual Grand Cotton)
GrNtChGrCh PR Southern Blue Moonshine
GrNtChGrCh PR Southern Blue Frostbite
NtChGrCh PR Southern Blue Queen
NtChGrCh PR Blue Eyes Blue Jessie
NtCh PR Southern Frost Hollow Blue Bell(BB)
NtCh PR Southern Blue Hammer
NtCh PR Hollis' Southern Blue Maggie
NtCh PR Hollis' Bull Mtn. Pearl
GrCh PR Southern Blue Jet
PR Southern Blue Sam
PR Southern Blue Rattler
GrChGrNtCh PR Lovell’s Smokey River Blue Ann

Posted by Gary Napier II on 11-06-2019 12:46 AM:

I really liked reading your latest post. It was entertaining and inspiring. Keep following those blue dogs. Take care.

Posted by steve bankston on 11-11-2019 07:06 PM:

Illinois Road Trip

Thanks Mr. Jack, Darren and Gary. Hope you all are doing well and having fun in the woods following the Blue Hounds. I know I am. Doing better this year heath wise than I have in a while. Changed the way I was eating and added things to my diet and give all the credit to that. I follow Medical Medium on Facebook and have his books. Its about getting back to natural healing and boosting your immune system with stuff like, Raw Honey, Ginger, Garlic, Herbal Tea and Celery Juice. I bought a juicer and squeeze a bundle of celery every morning and drink 16 ounces of celery juice first thing every morning on empty stomach. It has truly made a huge difference in the way I feel and I don't have colds or sinus trouble anymore. Get away from Doctors and drug stores, they are killing us with big pharma. Go Natural and get back to what God put on this earth for us, not what man makes and profits from.

Been hunting almost every night and dogs looking good. Love my new pups and they have the best mouths on them for 4 months old of any pip I have had except Blue. Going to breed Rose next heat cycle to Blue. Both having Bocephus as Grandsire. They have been doing some winning with him and should be a Gr. Nt. soon if not already. He was as natural as ive ever had and coon crazy over scent at 3 months old. Rose didn't start that young but she is a natural and 100 percent straight on coon. Never trashed on anything. Pups out of them should be real nice, easy starting, trouble free, big mouth hounds. Headed to Illinois Sunday to hunt with Mr Ed and Caleb a few days. The Artic Blast will be Fizzled out by then and coon should be crawling like fleas on a warm hound. We gonna kill our share. Full Moon will be gone and the bitter cold. I have a feeling this will be the best trip Ever. Planning on hunting hard and as long as Mr Ed wants to stay out every night.

Where hounds are more than just dogs, they are a part of the FAMILY.

Posted by Ed Mauney on 11-13-2019 02:46 PM:


That's the plan Steve I hope the weather cooperates. See you soon.

Keep them BLUE and treed IL. BLUE

Posted by steve bankston on 11-30-2019 02:40 AM:

Illinois Road Trip

We enjoyed our trip last week to Illinois to visit and hunt with Mr Ed and Family. Looked at a bunch of coons, Deer and Eagles. Got some great pictures and saw some good hound work out of all of them. Shot down 11 to the hounds over the 3 nights of hunting. One was huge, 25 to 30 pounds I would say. Did some Antique Shopping and site seeing. Saw several good bucks running the Doe’s in the daytime in the middle of open fields beside busy highways. Rut was definitely on. Got home and had a mess. Hot water heater line had busted and flooded some floors. Ran into the AC vent in the floor and filled up the Duct Work and it blew out. Had to buy new hot water heater, electric dryer, flooring, ect. It was a mess but I’m slowly getting it back to normal. Start laying the new luxury vinyl plank flooring tomorrow. Cayden came for opening day of deer season. I got one that morning and he killed his first ever deer sitting beside me that evening with my Colt AR-15. Dropped that big Doe in her tracks. Such a proud moment for both of us. Been working my pups. Staking them out, breaking to lead and hauling in the Rhino to feed the cows and horses. Loving their actions and excited to get them started this spring.

Where hounds are more than just dogs, they are a part of the FAMILY.

Posted by steve bankston on 12-12-2019 05:27 PM:


Been hunting Bo pretty regular. He’s treeing Coon about every night. Not looking as sharp as he usually does but getting the job done. ROXY and ROO are growing and will be good sized females when grown. They will be 6 months old the day after Christmas. Won’t be long and it will be GO Time. They both have big mouths on them and really looking forward to hearing them on track and hitting some trees. Hope to have them going good by Summer Time. Have both of them broke to lead and loading in the Rhino. They love to be hauled places and get out pretty good in new woods when I take them. Very smart pups and love the water. Next month will show them a Coon and see how they react. Hope to have them running and treeing easy Coon by end of February. Going to put all my time in them once they start. If one of them looks like she is the kind I like, Rose will probably be Sold. Don’t want a young hound like her just sitting while I work the pups. Bo will get out maybe once a week and will get to swim this summer so he will be fine. Hoping to breed one of these pups to Bo a couple years from now if it all works out.

Where hounds are more than just dogs, they are a part of the FAMILY.

Posted by steve bankston on 12-21-2019 04:14 PM:


Originally posted by steve bankston
Twas the night before Christmas and under a full Moon,
Not a creature was stirring except Rocket the Racoon.
The light of the Moon had other critters scared to move about,
But I ain't no coward Rocket would Shout!
As he made his way down Black Branch Swamp,
He thought of the years that had passed and miles he had tromped.
Since he was just a little kitten coon born in a hollow corner fence post,
He was the Sow's favorite and she fed him the most.
Rocket grew and grew until he was the biggest coon in the woods,
Learned every trick to outwit the hounds and tree him they never could.
But there was a man and his hounds that lived on the Bogue Chitto River,
That had a hound that located with a Bawling Quiver.
Word on the Street and in the woods was he could tree Any Coon,
I'm to smart for that Ole Bluetick thought Rocket the Racoon.
Off in the distance he heard the 4 wheeler then silence as the Hunter parked,
Not long after came the Raging Bawls as Mr. Bojangles barked.
He had picked up Rockets trail the coon knew for sure,
Because where Bo opened Rocket had searched for food but only found a fishing lure.
Not really scared but out of respect for the reputation of this hound,
Rocket picked up the pace heading for a tree where he had never been found.
Reaching the Huge Turkey Pine he sank his sharp claws deep in the bark,
Up he went to his hiding place as he listened to the hounds bawls off in the dark.
Closer and Closer they came until he heard why all other coons were hid in fear,
That Long, Quivering Bawl that let the Hunter know the Coon is Here!
Rocket listened to the hounds Raging Bawls from way down below,
Then shut his eyes as the Hunters light lit up the tree with a Glow.
It wasn't a few minutes but seemed like a long time,
Rocket heard a Click, Pop, then close to his head a Whine.
He knew he was found so swung down on a limb and hung, looking straight into the Hunters Eyes,
Then dropped to the ground far below before the Hunter got another try.
Off he ran in the darkness feeling fear from his toes to his cheeks,
Racing through the Swamp under Briars and across creeks.
Headed home to a hollow tree near the hollow fence post,
Knowing if he didn't make it he would only be a Ghost.
One mile of running faster than he had ever been,
He reached the safety of his big old Den.
Mr. Bojangles wasn't far behind and slammed the tree with that Quivering Bawl,
Roaring his Rage so loud that a half mile away it echoed off a barn wall.
The Hunter reached the tree on this night before Christmas under the Full Moon,
And knew that him and his favorite hound had been beat by Rocket the Racoon.
As he pulled Bo off the Old Den Tree,
I heard him say, " Merry Christmas! " and knew he was talking to me!

Ho, Ho, Ho!!

BO, Bo, Bo!!

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas. May God Bless you with Health and Happiness. If you have that, you don’t need anything else.

Where hounds are more than just dogs, they are a part of the FAMILY.

Posted by DAVE H on 12-21-2019 04:26 PM:

All the best of the season to you and the family!
Steve what are Roxy and Roo off of?
Do you have any pictures of them to share?

home of

Posted by steve bankston on 12-23-2019 06:42 PM:


Thanks Dave and Merry Christmas to you and your family. ROXY and ROO are off Dellwoods Zero. Owned now by Allen Sanders. He’s off Bocephus. The pups Dan is owned by Jensen Poole in Texas. She’s off Blue Ghost who has over 6,000 won in PKC. They have Bodacious on top and bottom. Both pups have big mouths. Roxy’s Is Huge. ROXY is lighter colored like the Bob dog I had or Big Country. Big Lanky pups. ROO is beautiful dark Bluetick with the black head. Smart, Agile, Cat Footed pups. Be six months old December 26th. I will show them a coon end of next month and see how they respond. I haven’t loaded pictures on here In so long it might take me a bit to figure it out again. I used to do it all the time. Need to get back at it cause it’s nice to look back on here and see the dogs I’ve had. Im on Facebook a lot but they might wipe us all out one day, never know.

Where hounds are more than just dogs, they are a part of the FAMILY.

Posted by steve bankston on 01-08-2020 02:11 AM:


I have took a pup with Rose a couple times last week and this week. Both go every step with her. No babbling or howling because they lost or the creeks cold etc. Loving the actions of both. Shot a Coon to Bo last week and brought it home. Laid a trail the next morning with it and hung it in a tree. Pups found it fast, piled it down and swung around with it some and they both lit into it pulling Fur. Starting to fill up the feeders in different spots and get it ready for them to hit some hot tracks. Haven’t shown them a live Coon yet but will by the end of this month when they turn 7 months old. It’s hard to wait because the signs are all there that they ready but i would rather wait just a bit longer. They are as bold at night as they are the daytime and I look for good things out of both of them. Big Mouths that I can’t wait to hear come Treed under their first Coon. That’s what it’s all about to me. Those first dozen Coon on a top young prospect are priceless to get to see and hear them get under as they figuring it all out.

Where hounds are more than just dogs, they are a part of the FAMILY.

Posted by steve bankston on 01-18-2020 03:23 AM:


Been having great warm weather for hunting but of course, when it’s warm in winter, it Rains. A Lot. Other than that, can’t complain. Bo had really been looking good now that I have took him off Pro Plan Sport and put him on Pro Plan Focus with Salmon. Had a full panel of test run on him just to make sure he didn’t have a tick disease and he didn’t. His Thyroid was 3.1, which is Perfect. Normal is 0.8 to 3.5. Definitely want it on higher end of normal than lower end. Plan on hitting some hunts this year harder than I ever have. If he continues looking like he’s supposed to. Caught a Coon for the pups last night and worked them today. They responded as good as you could expect from 6 month old pups. I tied them back and cut him loose. Few minutes later cut them loose and they took out In search of him. Went 175 yards and hit the river then came back. I led them home and put them up. Gonna keep using Rose to start them, once they start treeing I will hunt them one on one, alone. Got plans to cross Bo on Tabby in a month or so when she comes in. She’s off a sister to the Bam dog I had and Bocephus. This will be the half brother sister cross I always wanted to try. Tabby has really came on good for Bobby Gates and we are both well pleased in what we see. Doing it for each of us a pup and the rest will be for sale. I’m getting loaded up with pups but I like lots of choices. When your retired you need things to occupy your time and nothing better than a bunch of pups. Life is good along the Bogue Chitto River.

Where hounds are more than just dogs, they are a part of the FAMILY.

Posted by steve bankston on 01-27-2020 12:47 AM:


Had some very nice weather this past week and enjoyed some time on the river in the Jet Boat. Mason found his first Arrowhead yesterday, a big fine perfect one. We found a bunch of Petrified Wood and Agates. Bo has been looking real sharp the past two weeks and had went 11 for 11 until last night. He made a big den tree that broke the hot streak he was on. Pups turned 7 months old today. Haven’t hit any hot close tracks for them to see how they will do. Gonna set some traps tomorrow and catch them a few to cut loose after dark and let them find and try to Tree. Going to bait up my feeders Saturday when deer season is over and hit the spots that I haven’t hunted in months. There should be some easier Coon to Tree than the ones Bo had ran all Fall and Winter. Not much winter for us yet this year. Cut the grass yesterday as it was almost 6 inches tall in spring grass because of the warm temps the past two months. Be fine with me if we go right on into spring with no bad cold attic air this year.

Where hounds are more than just dogs, they are a part of the FAMILY.

Posted by steve bankston on 01-30-2020 02:44 AM:


My pups just turned 7 months old. Caught them another Coon last night and tonight at dark I cut it loose. Went back to the house and loaded up the pups. Cut them across the field near where I cut Coon. They struck his track and Flew on it for over two hundred yards and the Coon took to a deep wide Slough in Cypress Bottom. Pups hunted a way around it and waded out chest deep but didn’t swim across so this one got away. Next one I will cut loose in the hills so they have a better chance of treeing him. They both have great mouths and used them good on that track. Not wide open every step but not tight either. Just right. Putting some sour corn with Kool Aid in the feeders over the next few days. Deer season ends Friday and I will have better spots to hunt. Looking forward to watching these pups progress.

Where hounds are more than just dogs, they are a part of the FAMILY.

Posted by steve bankston on 02-04-2020 05:51 PM:


Picture of ROXY

Where hounds are more than just dogs, they are a part of the FAMILY.

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