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Whatever happened to:
"Sticks and stones can break your bones but names will never hurt you."
When was the last time that you heard that? Can you just imagine a parent or teacher telling a kid that these days? Just when did words become so deadly? Who decided that?
A group of libtards decided that, they got so morally corrupt and perverted that spoken truths became sticks. Words describing the actual short comings of a person are painful. Insulting false words spoken to an upright person are fairly easy to brush off. Basically, calling a spade a spade has become the same as trying to purposely hurt others feelings
Originally posted by sleepy head
A group of libtards decided that, they got so morally corrupt and perverted that spoken truths became sticks. Words describing the actual short comings of a person are painful. Insulting false words spoken to an upright person are fairly easy to brush off. Basically, calling a spade a spade has become the same as trying to purposely hurt others feelings
Dave Richards Treeing Walkers Reg American Saddlebred and Registered Rocky Mt. Show Horses
Sadly, more and more folks just can not accept the truth. Just as a line in a movie that said, " you can not accept the truth". We are growing into a society that does not want to hear the truth if they are negatively affected by the truth. I am pushing 75 years old and I am so thankful that I grew up in a home where the truth was expected at all times regardless if you got into trouble, you TOLD THE TRUTH. The military expected the truth at all times from Officers and enlisted. I value the truth and have no respect for those who do not. My daughter and grandson were taught how important the truth was and I am proud of both of them. I am shocked by these younger generation that lie just for fun, who have no concept of what a man's word means. We better start standing up as a majority and stop those minority groups ( not race ) but special interest groups from inflicting their will on the rest of us. Pay attention to those who wish to undermine the rest of society by getting special laws passed that benefit only a minority. For example boys or men using female bathrooms under the guise of seeing themselves as being a girl. Act now or we will be deluged with more of these insane laws. Let your vote and constant attention to what they are doing or trying to do STOP these insane laws. Dave
Dave Richards Treeing Walkers Reg American Saddlebred and Registered Rocky Mt. Show Horses
I'm sure it would be an unpopular move but I would like to see the draft reinstated. Our youth need to be taught respect for our flag and country. To be granted a citizenship an immigrant should have to serve our country or at least serve a term helping build a border wall. Our ancestors had to fight and die for the freedoms we now have. This hand feeding with a silver spoon sure isn't working.
Dave the bible says the same thing in Romans 1:25 "They exchanged the truth of God for a lie....." It goes on to say what God does about this in Romans 1:28 " Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done"
Guys, as bad as I hate it, I think it is too far gone. If you watched the CMT awards this week, you saw a prime example of the morally depraved and what they are doing to our country. You would think country musicians and their business partners would be one of the last groups to be affected but I guess that is not true.
We can only blame ourselves. We have let it happen. I have watched the working class Americans keep their mouths shut for years to avoid controversy. Look where it has landed us!
I get sick to my stomach just watching TV commercials. Our country is so far gone it is a pure shame to see. I can't help but think of all the service men and women who have fought and died for our country to only watch it turned into a laughing stock by a bunch of corrupt politicians and the freak show minority groups that they want to champion every chance they get. What has happened to the Christian morals and principles that our great country was founded on?
The whole conversation takes me back to "how in the he$$ did a career politician that has nothing to show for his career in politics other than being caught in several lies get elected to the presidency?"
Absolutely depressing! What will our country be in 40 years?
The libs are doing everything they can to prevent Trump from running again. He was our only hope, but he can't keep his mouth shut long enough to do the right thing.
TERM LIMITS. This would be a start.
If we don't do anything else in the next 2 years, we should all get behind anyone running that says they are for term limits.
Originally posted by Dave Richards
You are spot on, but SADLY We are becoming a nation of spoiled brats that won't work, have NO discipline, no morals, to lazy to breathe. They do not care anything about anyone but themselves. When are we going to stand up and say no more, that we as the majority are NOT going to let the minority tell us what we can do. I am not talking minority race, but minority groups that get laws passed while the majority stand around and let it happen. Dave
Training dogs is not so much about quantity, it's more about timing, and the right situations...After that it's up to the dog....A hunting dog is born...
The Problem
Originally posted by Reuben
I was talking with my nephew and his wife a while back about the issues in our country…they both said to me…Uncle Reuben…it is too late to do anything about it…at that moment I didn’t has a response to what they said other than it left me thinking…
A few days later I had an answer to what they said and the next time they come visit I will have that answer for them…
It is very simple…those from afar and those from within our country who are trying to destroy this country from what it is and has been want you to think exactly as what you have said to me in the past…they want you to believe it is too late to do anything about it…I will also say this…if more and more think as you have said then they will win…
We must know and say this…there are a lot more of us than there is of them…when we come together we will win…
For many years now there has been a roll reversal with our politicians and we must get back to the right frame of mind because many of us are thinking we are working under their rule…
The right frame of mind to have is that they work for us….they are supposed to be representing the majority…and when they don’t then they are not doing their job and we must fire them…
To do that we must stop voter fraud…analyzing every which way it can happen and stop it in its tracks…here lately many top folks who would have won the election lost by voter fraud…when we can stop voter fraud we will turn this country around…
Track B4 Tree
Quality, Dependable Coon Lights--Built by a Coonhunter for Coonhunters
** Superior Lites
** Zepp's--Quality Products
** Brighteyes Lights
**Hellcat Maxx E.S.
** They Twist it until they start believing it themselves**
Purina Dog Food
** Proven Results **
Competition Coonhunters and Politicians
** Win anyway you have to & tell everyone what they want to hear **
My vote is voter fraud first…term limits second…
Voter fraud…when the person running for office has the same beliefs as I to make America great with common sense…they seem to lose even when it seems they should win by a landslide…and somehow they wind up losing…and The American way keeps spiraling downward…
Never in my life did I think we would have politicians wanting to defund the police…lower criminal offense’s from felony to misdemeanor’s and letting them out to commit more crimes…and opening the borders to take more people that will need to be taken care of…many are those that have mental illness and others are hardened criminals…many of the things I see happening in this country are things that will destroy it from within…
Training dogs is not so much about quantity, it's more about timing, and the right situations...After that it's up to the dog....A hunting dog is born...
As long as there are people in this country that believe Jan 6th was an orchestrated “insurrection” by Trump, things will not turn around or get better. The percentage of idiots in this country is way over the limit! We should be taking over the capital and kick out/fire ALL of the worthless politicians inside. If you think that was a take over, you are too soft to turn this great country around. The real issue is, the good, straight, hard working Americans keep busy working and being good people. Meanwhile, the non-working, freak show weirdos are destroying our country and the politicians enable them...
Bob Kwandrans Jr
Home of the Buck Creek dogs:
*GrNitech Buck Creek Country
*Buck Creek Fancy
*Phrog’s Buck Creek Cletus
*Ch Blaster's Big Roller...RIP
*Buck Creek Sugie...RIP
*GrNiteCh Buck Creek Hitler...RIP
Originally posted by Boondok Kennels
As long as there are people in this country that believe Jan 6th was an orchestrated “insurrection” by Trump, things will not turn around or get better. The percentage of idiots in this country is way over the limit! We should be taking over the capital and kick out/fire ALL of the worthless politicians inside. If you think that was a take over, you are too soft to turn this great country around. The real issue is, the good, straight, hard working Americans keep busy working and being good people. Meanwhile, the non-working, freak show weirdos are destroying our country and the politicians enable them...
Track B4 Tree
Quality, Dependable Coon Lights--Built by a Coonhunter for Coonhunters
** Superior Lites
** Zepp's--Quality Products
** Brighteyes Lights
**Hellcat Maxx E.S.
** They Twist it until they start believing it themselves**
Purina Dog Food
** Proven Results **
Competition Coonhunters and Politicians
** Win anyway you have to & tell everyone what they want to hear **
Besides voter fraud we have many ignorant people out there who actually believe all the lies and vote accordingly…I’m hoping these fools wake up and do the right thing for our country…
Training dogs is not so much about quantity, it's more about timing, and the right situations...After that it's up to the dog....A hunting dog is born...
Re: Idiots
quote:So, what exactly do you think is the reason for voter fraud?
Originally posted by Triple K Kennel
There have ALWAYS been Idiots in this World and ALWAYS will be....PERIOD...!!
The Politicians are the ones that have enabled the Idiots and the Internet has been the Most Helpful Tool for them to use.
As far as the Voter's out there but I doubt it has ever helped anyone get Elected & wouldn't have changed the's just an Excuse for losing.
Donald Bergeron
Re: Re: Idiots
Originally posted by shadinc
So, what exactly do you think is the reason for voter fraud?
Track B4 Tree
Quality, Dependable Coon Lights--Built by a Coonhunter for Coonhunters
** Superior Lites
** Zepp's--Quality Products
** Brighteyes Lights
**Hellcat Maxx E.S.
** They Twist it until they start believing it themselves**
Purina Dog Food
** Proven Results **
Competition Coonhunters and Politicians
** Win anyway you have to & tell everyone what they want to hear **
Sorry to say it but in order to gain back what has been lost over the decades, we need WWIII. Don't want it but pretty sure it is the only thing that would promote unity which would isolate this "me" movement. I am not talking about the Vietnam war scene with the hippy protests. I am talking about the suffering our society endured during both WW's. People are too fat and happy with TV and Internet. Take all this away, add a little starvation and worry about living day to day and you will see faith creep back in along with respect for one another.
Kaskaskia River Runners
Iraq War Vet 03-04, 05-06
Nathan Harder
As one military man to another, I thank you for your service. Dave
Dave Richards Treeing Walkers Reg American Saddlebred and Registered Rocky Mt. Show Horses
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