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-- Yodder Boot and Chaps (http://forums.ukcdogs.com/showthread.php?threadid=928558665)
Yodder Boot and Chaps
I was wondering if you all had any experience with the wader boots and chaps. I have a foot that has a fused ankle. Are any suggestions on one of these types of boot that are stretchy enough to pull over a stiff ankle? I hate to go through the buy and return cycle. So any suggestions or thoughts on this would be great.
thank you in advance.
Rob Akers
found a company that will put water prood chaps on your boot
he guys, I was given a name of Stone Creek (904-692-1568) out of PA, you can send them your boot, and they will sow the waterproof chaps to the boot. so find one your foot will fit in and then send it to them. Pretty cool
Rob Akers
Re: found a company that will put water prood chaps on your boot
Originally posted by robakers1313
he guys, I was given a name of Stone Creek (904-692-1568) out of PA, you can send them your boot, and they will sow the waterproof chaps to the boot. so find one your foot will fit in and then send it to them. Pretty cool
The fun is over once you pull the trigger
Ron Ashbaugh
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