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What is America becoming? NASCAR just "mandated" that Brad Keselowski must attend a sensitivity training class for talking mean about a fellow driver that wrecked him in Sunday's race. Can you believe it. A NASCAR driver isn't "sensitive" enough. What is America becoming? The liberal left wingers have even taken over NASCAR now.
Lets Go Brandon....
NASCAR has slowly died after Dale Earnhardt Sr. died.
I completely quit watching after Earnhardt Jr,Gordon,Stewart left.Now its a Bunch of no driving cry babies.
NASCAR wonders why Stands are empty?
Keep changing racing format and how points are collected.
Made rules to where everyone is basically running same car,shock,spring,gear package.......DEAD
Grnitech Pkc ch Skuna River Midnite Moe
{Skuna River Bark x Trackman's Sassy}
Nitech Stylish Clover Shark Jill - RIP 'Ole Girl
{Great White Shark x Brush Creek Patch}
I think that was Kyle Busch they mandated after Keslowski about wrecked him. Nascar is now run by democrats. Used to be a have it boys when they had arguments , but not anymore. It is about a joke to watch. Who ever heard of racing in stages? Its supposed to be the major league of racing and these guys get a chance to reset twice before they race for real. BS is what it is.
Robert " Rock" Johnson
Johnson Creek Kennels
home of:
UKC Grand Nite Champion "PR" Yadkin River Addkis. Deceased 12/11/2016 RIP
2009/2010/2011/2012 AKC GA. State Leader and Supreme Grand Nite Champion Yadkin River Addkis
2010 ACHA Georgia State Champion Grand Nite Champion Yadkin River Addkis
PKC Champion Yadkin River Addkis
Bright Eye Lights
Treeing Walkers
912-663-5287 cell (perfered)
Mr Johnson, I had another "senior moment". Kyle Busch said that Kezelowski was "retarded". Imagine that. Kyle needs to get more in touch with his feminine side if he is going to race NASCAR.
Originally posted by Richard Lambert
Mr Johnson, I had another "senior moment". Kyle Busch said that Kezelowski was "retarded". Imagine that. Kyle needs to get more in touch with his feminine side if he is going to race NASCAR.
Grnitech Pkc ch Skuna River Midnite Moe
{Skuna River Bark x Trackman's Sassy}
Nitech Stylish Clover Shark Jill - RIP 'Ole Girl
{Great White Shark x Brush Creek Patch}
I quit watching it, they are a done
I had a NASCAR experience yesterday. My truck broke down on the interstate. While waiting for a wrecker I sat on the tailgate and watched cars pass for 2 hours. Wouldn't that be the same?
Donald Bergeron
Kyle Larson's wife getting some sensitivity training....
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