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Coon prices
Anyone sell yet?
2006 Iowa State Youth Champion with the Quick dog
Have you skinned a few?
I sure don't know. I haven't skinned one in years. Sure not high enough to mess with in my opinion. Also, I just don't kill very many. I have asked myself if it would make a difference to my dog if I knocked out 50 coons to him.
Tom Wood
Prices MN
These were texted to me
2X $4
3X $8
4X $10
As far as harvesting, I don't believe in taking more than 1 per tree and 1 per night is a nice number. BUT I strongly also believe that if you don't harvest you will end up with disease and a weaker population. I was told by an old fox hunter back in the 50's that you have to look at wildlife like a crop/garden and to have a healthy and good producing one you need to harvest it. If you don't, nature will come in with distemper or mange and I have seen first hand that is a terrible death.
Old Timer…you are 100 percent right on harvesting and Mother Nature…we need to understand the balance of nature and how it needs to be managed in each individual area and adjust accordingly…
Training dogs is not so much about quantity, it's more about timing, and the right situations...After that it's up to the dog....A hunting dog is born...
As far as killing coon, I think it depends on where you live and coon population. We have coon but sure not in great numbers. No crop fields, no pecan groves etc. I would love to be where you can tree 4-5 in a three hour hunt consistently but it's not here. Best coon population we have is right around town where you can't hunt.
Tom Wood
quote:I saw a documentary on raccoon. It said 60% of coons are in urban areas. I guess they figured out oak trees provide food 2 months and the Taco Belle dumpster has it 12 months.
Originally posted by Preacher Tom
As far as killing coon, I think it depends on where you live and coon population. We have coon but sure not in great numbers. No crop fields, no pecan groves etc. I would love to be where you can tree 4-5 in a three hour hunt consistently but it's not here. Best coon population we have is right around town where you can't hunt.
Donald Bergeron
And they are not alone—
You will see more coyotes in the Twin Cities than out in the country and their “big” cousins have pushed deer into Duluth where it’s safer and food is easier to find.
We don’t need a dog catcher around the outer neighborhoods where I live…if a smaller dog is out and about at nighttime he will be picked up and carried off by a coyote…I sometimes here the commotion with all the desperate yapping …lasts 2 or 3 minutes, cats are fair game as well…
Coons love the convenience store dumpsters…one store on the edge of some woods would have 8 or ten fat coons all over it at nightfall…
Many coons don’t do well in the woods around here…you will see them dead trying to cross FM roads and highways around here…I believe it is hunger or thirst that gets many killed and sometimes the rut getting from one place to the next…
Training dogs is not so much about quantity, it's more about timing, and the right situations...After that it's up to the dog....A hunting dog is born...
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