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-- !!!---Who still uses a 5100 Light ?---!!! (http://forums.ukcdogs.com/showthread.php?threadid=928551916)
!!!---Who still uses a 5100 Light ?---!!!
Just out of curiosity....
Who still uses a 5100 Beltlight or Box Light ?
I still know a few guys that use a 5100 Light & wouldn't change for nothing.
Give me your Pro's & Con's of both types.
Track B4 Tree
Quality, Dependable Coon Lights--Built by a Coonhunter for Coonhunters
** Superior Lites
** Nitehunters.com
** Zepp's--Quality Products
** Tall Timber
**Hellcat Maxx E.S.
** They Twist it until they start believing it themselves**
Purina Dog Food
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Competition Coonhunters and Politicians
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I used a Sunburst EagleIII the last few years. It died and I found an Eagle II this past season. I think it is on its last leg. Sure wish I had a good Eagle III for the next few years but no luck finding a good reconditioned one or a repair place for the old lights that died. I liked the reliability, spot light power,. I used an old just rite head and the old filament bulb threw a yellow tint light instead of the modern led bright white light. Coins seem to look better. I have an original Sunburst I may try???? It is probably a late 1960’s or early 1970’s light and I got it working. Thanks Perry
I have a 20v coonbuster box light I use. I also still have a garmin 220 and DC 30. I simply refuse to spend another dollar on this sport until I absolutely have to.
The fun is over once you pull the trigger
Ron Ashbaugh
5100 Light
I still use a 5100 and a 5200 light with a 6 volt battery for 38 years.
HOME OF THE BLU MARU BLUETICKS.GR CH Haughtons Genesse Maru.FCH CH Haughtons Jorja .Blu.WGR CH GR CH.Ruby Maru.and Ch Blu Poppy.and Mercy Maru.http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h114/genessemaru/101010_ThanksgivingPuppies2010_1163.jpg
I have 3 or 4 wheat style heads laying in a drawer somewhere. I might as well sell them.I aint going back.
I hunted the 28v orange box light “annihilator” from Bright eyes for years. It gave up finally but I wish I had one just to hunt with once a month or so.. if nothing else to remind me how good we have it now!
In all seriousness, the color of that light is my favorite to this day. LED is nice but it’s got to have that “yellow” tint!
Ryan Morris
Originally posted by ClayBottom11
I hunted the 28v orange box light “annihilator” from Bright eyes for years. It gave up finally but I wish I had one just to hunt with once a month or so.. if nothing else to remind me how good we have it now!
In all seriousness, the color of that light is my favorite to this day. LED is nice but it’s got to have that “yellow” tint!
Track B4 Tree
Quality, Dependable Coon Lights--Built by a Coonhunter for Coonhunters
** Superior Lites
** Nitehunters.com
** Zepp's--Quality Products
** Tall Timber
**Hellcat Maxx E.S.
** They Twist it until they start believing it themselves**
Purina Dog Food
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Competition Coonhunters and Politicians
** Win anyway you have to & tell everyone what they want to hear **
I still have 2 with the 5200 heads and BM30G xenon bulbs. I don’t use them that much either but I keep them charged and ready to go. I mainly keep them for a spare or “throw back” night. I also have a few 5100 heads and one true mine spot head that you can’t find a bulb for. I look for Nite Lite to quit selling the 6v battery and charger any day now. I didn’t see the kitten cooner 4v battery or charger the last time I was on their website. If I remember correctly, you didn’t need a rheostat with the wheat heads and 4v bulbs on that combo.
Kelley’s K-light still sells the 21v belt light with the Adcon head. I’ve looked at it several times but just haven’t bucked up.
Pros & Cons compared to LEDs:
Pros - maybe cheaper until you buy all the accessories
Cons: heavier, requires a belt but suspenders are better, less battery burn time, longer charge time, gives tunnel effect while using because it’s pretty much a tight spot, less bright, accessories usually required (spot, pop covers, bulbs, etc) and those accessories are getting harder to find
Allen Potter
Nite Ch Gr Ch 'PR' Potter's Smoke Rings Chief
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