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UKC Forums (http://forums.ukcdogs.com/index.php)
- UKC Curs and Feists (http://forums.ukcdogs.com/forumdisplay.php?forumid=5)
-- Stephens Stock information (http://forums.ukcdogs.com/showthread.php?threadid=928482717)
Stephens Stock information
Would like to find information on these little dogs. How many different lines are there? How hard of tree dogs are they? I understand they are colder nosed, open on track (as a general rule) but do they tend to hunt like a traditional cur or more of a straight line hunter? Not trying to buy one, just would love more information than just what is in the breed description on UKC. All dogs are different, but how do they tend to do as a combination dog? Out hunt their mouth? Would hate to have one that doesn't want to tree squirrels and only coons. I have a ten month old OMCBA dog from great breeding that's doing great. Just would like some information on the little black dogs. Why aren't there any in these competition hunts? They seem scarce. THANK YOU
Re: Stephens Stock information
quote:They do have comp. hunts but it is a breed association. They can compete in any other open hunts, there just aren't that many of them (Stephens dogs) so that is why you don't see them.
Originally posted by bphart8530
Would like to find information on these little dogs. How many different lines are there? How hard of tree dogs are they? I understand they are colder nosed, open on track (as a general rule) but do they tend to hunt like a traditional cur or more of a straight line hunter? Not trying to buy one, just would love more information than just what is in the breed description on UKC. All dogs are different, but how do they tend to do as a combination dog? Out hunt their mouth? Would hate to have one that doesn't want to tree squirrels and only coons. I have a ten month old OMCBA dog from great breeding that's doing great. Just would like some information on the little black dogs. Why aren't there any in these competition hunts? They seem scarce. THANK YOU
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How do you like the Stephens compared to the Busher bred dogs you have?
Re: Stephens
quote:Well if you research Stephens broke off originally from the OMCBA so they have similar traits to some of the Busher dogs if you get the right strain of Stephens dogs.
Originally posted by bphart8530
How do you like the Stephens compared to the Busher bred dogs you have?
Visit my kennel at:
Thank you for the input. Very much appreciated
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