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UKC Forums (http://forums.ukcdogs.com/index.php)
- Upcoming Educational Seminars (http://forums.ukcdogs.com/forumdisplay.php?forumid=19)
-- Welcome to the New Upcoming UKC Seminars Forum (http://forums.ukcdogs.com/showthread.php?threadid=8595)
Welcome to the New Upcoming UKC Seminars Forum
If you have a seminar you'd like to announce this is the place to do so. In order to keep things on track, we'd like to ask that all participants keep on topic--that is, please restrain posts to announcements of upcoming UKC Seminars and subsequent appropriate discussion.
German Shepherd Dog Seminar?
I would like to offer a seminar for the German Shepherd Dog. Is there any interest at any club in offering this?
malinda julien
Can you tell me what is involved in doing a seminar? Can anyone do this? What are the requirements? We have a rare breed and we have had judges ask if he is a table dog or not and we have had one judge who thought he should gait like a Scottie. Sealyhams should not gait like a Scottie and they are a table breed. It would be helpful for the judges to learn more about this kind of Terrier. We also have Great Pyrenees and an Airedale Terrier, both rarely shown in UKC. We would love to help educated the UKC judges about these breeds!
Clicker Expo
HI MIke, I just wanted to let folks know about a great training venue .. clickerexpo, for beginner to advanced, It offers a lot of great information to help better train your dog.
As a trainer, I am always updating my own education and skills, folks can just do a google search for it, and it should come up. There is one in March in Lexington Kentucky I believe, if folks just want to work on better manner, get more attention skills for conformation and obeidience ring... I have got great feedback from my dogs for competition, and believe in the clicker.
judges seminars
When are the Judges seminars. My license ends this year.
Please e-mail Dianne-tft@valornet.com
Thank you.
McConnell's Toy Fox Terriers
Champion & Grand Champion Lines
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