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Posted by Roger Smith on 10-15-2024 06:04 AM:

First puppy shots

Hey guys what is everyone paying for first puppy shots?

Posted by buff1978 on 10-15-2024 01:59 PM:

16.00 to 27.00 plus tax that's from 5 way to 10 way plus lyme's .this is from theisens or farm and fleet.

Posted by MOcoondogs on 10-15-2024 04:37 PM:

I sell the 5 way for about $6 per shot. Most of my customers tell me that it's a cheaper than the vet

Posted by Jgarrett on 10-22-2024 12:41 AM:

I just stopped by the vet office this evening and bought some 5-way shoots ($24 each). Big increase since the last time I bought any.

Posted by JOE H BROOKS on 10-22-2024 03:37 AM:

puppy shots

I like to wait until a puppy is 15 or 16 weeks old, before i give them any shot, and i'll tell you why. No company has done any research, on how much the shot affects the puppys brain and his nose. That's why i like to let them grow up first, without the shots. I don't worry about parvo, if i think, they are comeing down. with parvo, i put, bleach in a 3cc syringe, no more then, 1/8 0f an inch, of bleach, the rest water, and i shoot it down their throat, then no more parvo.


Posted by Jason Miller on 10-23-2024 07:22 PM:

The last ones I bought were ten bucks a shot.

I got him right here!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jason Miller
Late Night Kennels

Posted by fogebotom on 11-14-2024 09:26 PM:

Depending on the state your in, buying a 25 count box runs 120 to 130 for the 5 way. Shipping for me is $30, gets you to about $7 each. If you're doing puppy shots, 3 shots, 3 weeks apart, starting at 9 weeks, an average litter, you'll either get them all vaccinated or at least 1 set before they go to new homes. Revival Animal Health is who I purchase from. And if you are just doing yearly, easy to then split the cost between friends to make it cost effective.

Posted by Reuben on 11-14-2024 10:31 PM:

In the latest 30 years or so I give the 10 in 1 vaccine for 8 week old puppies and a month later a second vaccine of the same…and no yearly boosters…I’ve owned quite a few dogs without any problems because of not vaccinating yearly…

Training dogs is not so much about quantity, it's more about timing, and the right situations...After that it's up to the dog....A hunting dog is born...

Posted by ScottCK 6 on 11-14-2024 11:22 PM:

Originally posted by Jgarrett
I just stopped by the vet office this evening and bought some 5-way shoots ($24 each). Big increase since the last time I bought any.
If you buy from the vet , they have more than likely have been handled properly, if they get warm they are ruined. If I have one pup I take to vet, if I have a litter I order a case of Duramane max 5 plus cvk! (The Puppy shot)Have them shipped with extra ice!!

Scott Morris

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