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If we're not suppose to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?
What does this mean? Someone replied to my post with "btt". Can you let me know? Thank you
Back To Top is what that means. If you want to follow a post you can do this or if you yourself want your own post brought back to the top of the page it can also be used. As people post new posts the post that you put on here can get pages deep if you don't bump it daily to the top. Hopefully not to much info. but you should know what it means now I hope.
Thank you
How do you delete a post once the dog sales?
Mark Vest
Bois D' Arc Creek Kennels
Home of:
GrCh GrNiteCh Lost Creeks Tree Slammin Hoss (GrNiteCh Divided Acres Tree Bangin Hoss x GrNiteCh Skunk Creek Sidney) 2021 Performance And SS Sire
GrCh GrNiteCh Lost Creeks Tree Slammin Mator HTX (GrCh GrNiteCh Lost Creeks Tree Slammin Hoss x Ch GrNiteCh Lost Creeks Blue Moon Shine) 2021 Performance Sire
CH Bois Darc CRK Tree Jammin Loud (GrNiteCh Ch Uchtmans So Blue Tango x Uchtmans Blue Mandy)
NiteCh Ch Bois Darc CRK Tree Jammin Ivy (GrNiteCh Dellwood Blue Zero x GrNiteCh Smiley's Fancy Blue)
'PR' Bois Darc Creek's Jangalang (Ch GrNiteCh Goodsons Rowdy Bocephus x CH Snows Bonnie)
Ch GrNiteCh (2) Pinecreek Curlee Jane (GrNiteCh Moses Pink Floyd x GrNiteCh Ch Moses Owl Creek Lucy)
NiteCh Bois Darc CRK Tree Jammin Fly (GrCh GrNiteCh Natural Smokey River Rebel x NiteCh Goodson's Whitegrass Sally)
Bois Darc CRK Tree Slammin Dixie (GrCh GrNiteCh Lost Creeks Tree Slammin Hoss x GrNiteCh GrCh Vining Nail)
NiteCh Ch Maddog Look Out Lucy (GrNiteCh Smokey River Mad Dog John II x GrNiteCh Ch Moses Owl Creek Lucy)
Ch NiteCh Bois Darc Chief's Blue Crazy (NiteCh Ch Bois Darc Blue Chief x NiteCh Ch Bois Darc Creek Blue Leggs)
NiteCh Ch Bois Darc Blue Chief (NiteCh Smokey River JBS Chief x NiteCh Bois Darc Blue Dixie)
NiteCh Ch Bois Darc Creek Blue Leggs (NiteCh Smokey River JBS Chief x Lehigh Blue Bell)
NiteCh Bois Darc Blue Dixie (Big Creek Blue Shucks x Sunny Slope Blue Sarah) 1992 UKC World High Scoring Blue Female
subscription renewal
trying to renew my subscription online to get the discount and it says needs to be done before jan 1 so i don't miss an issue but the site won't let me check out i have used 2 different computers
Re: subscription renewal
quote:who is the administrator on this site and how do u get ahold of him thanks.
Originally posted by bluemoonbluetic
trying to renew my subscription online to get the discount and it says needs to be done before jan 1 so i don't miss an issue but the site won't let me check out i have used 2 different computers
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