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Posted by Richard Lambert on 10-15-2020 03:03 PM:

Hunter Biden

Putin's best friend, the Mayor of Moscow's wife started a corporation. The corporation paid crackhead Hunter $350 million. Then the corporation filed for bankruptcy and closed down. Now all of this is a matter of public record and legal.

How many of you loyal Biden supporters think that Putin DIDN'T give crackhead Hunter a bribe to influence his father?

Now to be fair, Joe Biden says that he doesn't know anything about his son's business dealings and Hunter has "never" said anything or discussed them with him. Joe Biden says that he "trusts" his son.

At the same time Joe Biden says that he knows that Hunter is a crackhead and "has a problem" with drugs. How many of you loyal Biden supporters think that you can "trust" a crackhead? How many of you loyal Biden supporters think that Joe and Hunter have never talked about Hunter's business dealings. Can y'all even imagine a Father not saying something to their son about them taking $350 million from a Russian woman?

Do any of you loyal Biden supporters not find anything wrong with this?

Posted by Wingman66 on 10-15-2020 04:26 PM:

Go look in mirror.
Repeat what you just posted.
Repeat again.
Repeat again.
Repeat again.
Dawn on you yet?

I have to say yall got a good little support group going. Huddle together so yall can keep warm...trackdriver

"Kim Jong-Un speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.” An actual sitting US President said that. Let that sink in.

Posted by BAS on 10-15-2020 04:49 PM:

Wingman 66

"Putin's best friend, the Mayor of Moscow's wife started a corporation. The corporation paid crackhead Hunter $350 million. Then the corporation filed for bankruptcy and closed down. Now all of this is a matter of public record and legal."

Wingman 66 is this true? If so, why do think this happen? Why would the Mayor of Moscow's wife start a corporation and pay Hunter Biden 350 Million dollars?

“If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking.”
― George S. Patton

Posted by Wingman66 on 10-15-2020 07:10 PM:

Republican committee investigated this. What was their findings?

I have to say yall got a good little support group going. Huddle together so yall can keep warm...trackdriver

"Kim Jong-Un speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.” An actual sitting US President said that. Let that sink in.

Posted by Richard Lambert on 10-16-2020 12:25 AM:

As I stated, it was legal. The question is, "was it wrong?"

Posted by Richard Lambert on 10-16-2020 12:31 AM:

Oh my goodness, I won't post anything right now because it has not been corroborated yet but if only half of what Rudy Giuliani is saying that he found on Crackhead Hunter's laptop is true, Biden will never make it through 4 years in the White House. He will end up in jail. He is the poster child for corrupt politician.

Posted by Wingman66 on 10-16-2020 03:37 AM:

I've always wondered why nobody seems to call this 'mayor of moscow' by his name yury luzhkov?

I have to say yall got a good little support group going. Huddle together so yall can keep warm...trackdriver

"Kim Jong-Un speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.” An actual sitting US President said that. Let that sink in.

Posted by Wingman66 on 10-16-2020 07:49 AM:

Originally posted by Richard Lambert
As I stated, it was legal. The question is, "was it wrong?"

That's one of those questions up there with billionaires paying taxes.

I have to say yall got a good little support group going. Huddle together so yall can keep warm...trackdriver

"Kim Jong-Un speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.” An actual sitting US President said that. Let that sink in.

Posted by Richard Lambert on 10-16-2020 01:37 PM:

Apparantly this is nothing new for Hunter. He has spent his whole life as an influence peddler. He has never actually worked or had a "job" but has amassed a fortune for the "Biden Family". Joe has not held a job outside of politics for 50 years but now has a fortune thanks to Hunter. Hunter says that he has "supported" his whole family for all of these years. I wonder where all of the money has come from? Apparantly Joe doesn't ask his son or care where Hunter gets it as long as Joe gets his share. That is what makes it "legal". Hunter takes the bribes and then gives it to his father. Foreign governments can "hire" Crackhead Hunter and then Crackhead Hunter can use the money to buy crack, pay hookers and then give 10-20% to his father, Joe.

Posted by Richard Lambert on 10-16-2020 01:52 PM:

Here is one thing that you can't post on Facebook or Twitter. They will remove it although it is a matter of public record and none of it has even been disputed.

Joe Biden says he doesn't know anything about his crackhead son's business dealings. But while Vice President Joe Biden took Crackhead Hunter with him when he went to China to negotiate a treaty involving China's aggression toward Tiawan. Well Joe came back with no treaty and proclaimed that "China was not our enemy". Meanwhile Crackhead Hunter came back with hundreds of millions of dollars. Now does anyone actually believe that nothing was said about this on the plane ride home. Joe never said, "Son, how did your trip go?" Or that Crackhead Hunter never bragged to his dad that he got a hundred million dollars for the family fortune?

This is the corrupt politician that the dumbrats want to put back in the White House. Just imagine how much his crackhead son will make for the family when his dad is President.

Posted by Richard Lambert on 10-16-2020 01:58 PM:

Guess who Crackhead Hunter's partner in all of his crimes is. It is ex-Secretary of State John Kerry's son. Imagine that. What a team. Now we know why Kerry was spending all of that time in Iran even after he was no longer Secretary of State. Now we also know why Obama gave Iran all of that money.
Joe Biden is running on a platform to rebuild the beaver dam and fill the swamp back up. Crackhead Hunter will be the head beaver.

Posted by Wingman66 on 10-16-2020 02:17 PM:

Wow Richard. Just wow. You in the habit of making fun of people with a sickness? You got anything new to add because folks have known of hunters drug addiction for quite some time now. Of course when has any trumpeter ever had any sympathy? Who cares 215,000 people are dead as long as you can get your fruit latte from Starbucks.

Ding dong donnie, who rules over your brain in every way, has taught you well. Ding dong is surely proud of his little soldiers...

I have to say yall got a good little support group going. Huddle together so yall can keep warm...trackdriver

"Kim Jong-Un speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.” An actual sitting US President said that. Let that sink in.

Posted by delta nightlife on 10-16-2020 03:09 PM:

I wouldn’t call smokin crack to be a sickness it’s self inflicted nobody made him put the crack in the pipe and smoke it he done it on his own , wingman69 tell us all since your pretty much blamin trump for the virus and killin 215000 people what could have done to stop the virus Just curious

she is treed

Posted by Wingman66 on 10-16-2020 04:52 PM:

Originally posted by delta nightlife
I wouldn’t call smokin crack to be a sickness it’s self inflicted nobody made him put the crack in the pipe and smoke it he done it on his own , wingman69 tell us all since your pretty much blamin trump for the virus and killin 215000 people what could have done to stop the virus Just curious

It is true that most substance abuse begins with a decision (although in many cases substance use began with a prescription from a doctor for a real medical problem and evolved into abuse).

But while no one forced an addicted person to begin misusing a substance, it’s hard to imagine someone would willingly ruin their health, relationships, and other major areas of their lives. Surely, if overcoming addiction were as easy as simply choosing to stop, the problem of addiction would be much easier to address and relapse would not be as common.

It should be noted that the “addiction is a choice” view is largely relegated to individuals and small groups. There are few, if any, nationally recognized substance abuse-focused organizations whose views have not evolved to understanding addiction as a disorder or disease. In fact, the NIH views the idea that addiction is a moral failing as an outdated, ill-informed relic of the past.

I have to say yall got a good little support group going. Huddle together so yall can keep warm...trackdriver

"Kim Jong-Un speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.” An actual sitting US President said that. Let that sink in.

Posted by Wingman66 on 10-16-2020 05:14 PM:

Carrying on in 2016 about emails blah blah is one thing. Starting this kind of crap about your opponent son is something on a new level. To mock a man, who isn't even running for president, or anybody who has ever hit rock bottom, for political gain is one sick individual. You need help from a licensed psychiatrist. Who taught you that? Who taught you mock someone's disparity? Were you born with that kind of hate? Your parent(s) teach you that? Get help. You need it.

I have to say yall got a good little support group going. Huddle together so yall can keep warm...trackdriver

"Kim Jong-Un speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.” An actual sitting US President said that. Let that sink in.

Posted by 4play on 10-16-2020 05:18 PM:

Originally posted by Wingman66
Carrying on in 2016 about emails blah blah is one thing. Starting this kind of crap about your opponent son is something on a new level. To mock a man, who isn't even running for president, or anybody who has ever hit rock bottom, for political gain is one sick individual. You need help from a licensed psychiatrist. Who taught you that? Who taught you mock someone's disparity? Were you born with that kind of hate? Your parent(s) teach you that? Get help. You need it.

But....his daddy the USA VP was involved too.

Grnitech Pkc ch Skuna River Midnite Moe - RIP
{Skuna River Bark x Trackman's Sassy}

Nitech Stylish Clover Shark Jill - RIP 'Ole Girl
{Great White Shark x Brush Creek Patch}

Posted by Wingman66 on 10-16-2020 07:52 PM:

Originally posted by 4play
But....his daddy the USA VP was involved too.

Please state exactly what joe biden did wrong.

I have to say yall got a good little support group going. Huddle together so yall can keep warm...trackdriver

"Kim Jong-Un speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.” An actual sitting US President said that. Let that sink in.

Posted by Cotton 1927 on 10-16-2020 08:52 PM:

Originally posted by Wingman66
It is true that most substance abuse begins with a decision (although in many cases substance use began with a prescription from a doctor for a real medical problem and evolved into abuse).

But while no one forced an addicted person to begin misusing a substance, it’s hard to imagine someone would willingly ruin their health, relationships, and other major areas of their lives. Surely, if overcoming addiction were as easy as simply choosing to stop, the problem of addiction would be much easier to address and relapse would not be as common.

It should be noted that the “addiction is a choice” view is largely relegated to individuals and small groups. There are few, if any, nationally recognized substance abuse-focused organizations whose views have not evolved to understanding addiction as a disorder or disease. In fact, the NIH views the idea that addiction is a moral failing as an outdated, ill-informed relic of the past.

It's all they got spewing hate,and trying to belittle other folks I would like to think they don't know any better but I know they do.....

Posted by Richard Lambert on 10-16-2020 11:27 PM:

Oh my goodness, Fox News has now verified the e-mails corroborating the pay-for-play scheme with 2 sources involved and they are true, talk about corruption. No more fake news claims. I bet that the dumbrats are proud of their chosen leader now. If Biden is still elected but kicked out before he is inaugurated, who becomes President then?

Posted by Richard Lambert on 10-16-2020 11:36 PM:

Biden has a new nickname... The 10% Big Man.

Posted by Wingman66 on 10-17-2020 01:45 AM:

Originally posted by Cotton 1927
It's all they got spewing hate,and trying to belittle other folks I would like to think they don't know any better but I know they do.....

Only thing they know is what ding dong donnie dictator tells them to say. Wear your red hat, blue shirt, nod yes to everything I say and chant really really loud. $100, free ride, and cookies after the show.

I have to say yall got a good little support group going. Huddle together so yall can keep warm...trackdriver

"Kim Jong-Un speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.” An actual sitting US President said that. Let that sink in.

Posted by pbhoward10 on 10-17-2020 02:52 AM:


Hilarious... what a double standard. Trump is accused of collusion and is demonized by the left for four years leading to an impeachment, now there savior is proven to be guilty of those accusations and all they can talk about is Hunters disease (drug problem)... Typical. He is a dopehead and his father is a flip flopping, demented, politician that doesnt know where he is half the time. He has changed his stance on so many things so many times, he doesnt even know what he is supposed to say.

Posted by Wingman66 on 10-17-2020 03:24 AM:

Proven guilty? By fox?

I have to say yall got a good little support group going. Huddle together so yall can keep warm...trackdriver

"Kim Jong-Un speaks and his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.” An actual sitting US President said that. Let that sink in.

Posted by Richard Lambert on 10-17-2020 03:28 AM:

Oh my goodness, now sources have corroborated that "The Big Man" who gets the 10% of the money is actually Joe Biden. It isn't fake news. It isn't disinformation. It is an email in black and white staring everyone in the face. How can the dumbrats ignore it? Joe Biden is a corrupt politician who charges foreign businessmen for private meetings with him. He will do their bidding if the price is right. The dumbrats will have an excuse even if Biden were to admit it. One main stream media reporter actually said, "oh, it isn't all that bad".

Posted by honalieh on 10-17-2020 03:38 AM:

I had to laugh when I heard this.

That was a pretty pathetic attempt at propaganda.

Common Sense. Anyone with any sense at all should think it's kind of ridiculous that someone would put incriminating information on a hard drive, then turn over that hard drive for someone to use that against them.

When a story defies sense, that means it doesn't mean sense. It doesn't take much to figure this one out.

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