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PBR Bull Riding
Does anybody watch or still keep up with it?
Proud supporters of coal!
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**Home Of**
PR Money's Little Rain
Nitech PR The Midnight Joker
Jordan Maynard
304-385-4266 --Home
304-784-2091 --Cell
Richard Maynard
304-272-3338 --Home
304-784-7551 --Cell
**Call us anytime if you have a question**
Grnitech Grch PR High Spirit Dan
~7-8-1999 to 10-6-2012~
PR Stylish Ruby[color=blue](Died with 2 UKC first)
PR WV'S High Power Aka FEFE (2008 WV State Champion)
(Died with 2 UKC first)
PR MY Fightin Side(Died with a UKC 1st and 2nd)
~8-20-2007 to 12-7-2012~
Grnitech Grch PR Maynard's Nocturnal Nicki
10-1-2003 to 6-22-15
so far
So far we still follow the PBR but it is getting aggrivating to try to watch it when they went to PlutoTV /Ridepass.. it might show 2 minutes then go blank foe 5 or 10 and you miss over half. plus CBS sports very seldom shows the events "live" one can find the winning results on the website before they air the event.
who makes those silly decisions?
I don’t know why they post the results way before it airs on tv it’s really aggravating.
Whose some of your favorite riders?
Proud supporters of coal!
Coal keeps the lights on!!!
**Home Of**
PR Money's Little Rain
Nitech PR The Midnight Joker
Jordan Maynard
304-385-4266 --Home
304-784-2091 --Cell
Richard Maynard
304-272-3338 --Home
304-784-7551 --Cell
**Call us anytime if you have a question**
Grnitech Grch PR High Spirit Dan
~7-8-1999 to 10-6-2012~
PR Stylish Ruby[color=blue](Died with 2 UKC first)
PR WV'S High Power Aka FEFE (2008 WV State Champion)
(Died with 2 UKC first)
PR MY Fightin Side(Died with a UKC 1st and 2nd)
~8-20-2007 to 12-7-2012~
Grnitech Grch PR Maynard's Nocturnal Nicki
10-1-2003 to 6-22-15
new riders
one of the newer riders there that we really like is Dalton Kasel
we met him in Springfield Mo when he 1st showed up on the UTB.
he is a very impressive young fellow. not a blowhard sure down to earth
has started to win a few events and does not seem to have changed.
I like Dalton to I’m a big fan of JB Mauney unfortunately he’s about done with his career.
I’m a big fan of Cooper Davis Jess Lockwood Mason Taylor and Taylor Toves.
What’s everyone’s thought on the new high score
Proud supporters of coal!
Coal keeps the lights on!!!
**Home Of**
PR Money's Little Rain
Nitech PR The Midnight Joker
Jordan Maynard
304-385-4266 --Home
304-784-2091 --Cell
Richard Maynard
304-272-3338 --Home
304-784-7551 --Cell
**Call us anytime if you have a question**
Grnitech Grch PR High Spirit Dan
~7-8-1999 to 10-6-2012~
PR Stylish Ruby[color=blue](Died with 2 UKC first)
PR WV'S High Power Aka FEFE (2008 WV State Champion)
(Died with 2 UKC first)
PR MY Fightin Side(Died with a UKC 1st and 2nd)
~8-20-2007 to 12-7-2012~
Grnitech Grch PR Maynard's Nocturnal Nicki
10-1-2003 to 6-22-15
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