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Voting System Repair…
Kari Lake in my opinion should have won the Governor’s election in Arizona…
Oz should of won the Senate in Pennsylvania…
Hershel Walker should of won the Senate in Georgia…
The 3 candidates I just mentioned were exactly who we needed to help American get back on track but the Globalist corruption has infiltrated America and many are too blind to see it…
The Voting system is set up to allow corruption to win…it needs to be fixed…
Training dogs is not so much about quantity, it's more about timing, and the right situations...After that it's up to the dog....A hunting dog is born...
The old saying of Should have Won can be applied to Competition Coon Hunting, Car Racing, Horse Racing and yes ...even Voting. It's not always your night.
I believe we have the BEST Voting System in the World.
I also believe that Lake, Walker, Oz were Beat fairly. But I also believe Lake is much like Trump....She is not used to being told No or You are Fired.....😉😁....!!!
Walker & Oz accepted Defeat pretty well.
Track B4 Tree
Quality, Dependable Coon Lights--Built by a Coonhunter for Coonhunters
** Superior Lites
** Zepp's--Quality Products
** Brighteyes Lights
**Hellcat Maxx E.S.
** They Twist it until they start believing it themselves**
Purina Dog Food
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Competition Coonhunters and Politicians
** Win anyway you have to & tell everyone what they want to hear **
The city of Atlanta chose Warnock to represent the whole State of Georgia. Is that right? The city of Philadelphia chose the Senator to represent the whole state of Pennsylvania. How can one large liberal city choose the person to represent their whole state in the US Senate? Is that fair? Is that what our forefathers envisioned? Is it time for a change? If you mention anything about a change, the liberal democrats pitch a fit. I thought that they loved to change the Constitution? Why is it that if a conservative Republican mentions change, they come unglued? That in itself should raise a red flag. Look at what has happened since Elon Musk has taken over Twitter. Why are the liberal democrats all up in arms? Why did they pitch such a fit when the Georgia legislature changed their voting laws to make them more fair? The dems had no problem with changing the voting laws to allow mail in absentee ballots and no id voting.
Originally posted by Richard Lambert
The city of Atlanta chose Warnock to represent the whole State of Georgia. Is that right? The city of Philadelphia chose the Senator to represent the whole state of Pennsylvania. How can one large liberal city choose the person to represent their whole state in the US Senate? Is that fair? Is that what our forefathers envisioned? Is it time for a change? If you mention anything about a change, the liberal democrats pitch a fit. I thought that they loved to change the Constitution? Why is it that if a conservative Republican mentions change, they come unglued? That in itself should raise a red flag. Look at what has happened since Elon Musk has taken over Twitter. Why are the liberal democrats all up in arms? Why did they pitch such a fit when the Georgia legislature changed their voting laws to make them more fair? The dems had no problem with changing the voting laws to allow mail in absentee ballots and no id voting.
Track B4 Tree
Quality, Dependable Coon Lights--Built by a Coonhunter for Coonhunters
** Superior Lites
** Zepp's--Quality Products
** Brighteyes Lights
**Hellcat Maxx E.S.
** They Twist it until they start believing it themselves**
Purina Dog Food
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Competition Coonhunters and Politicians
** Win anyway you have to & tell everyone what they want to hear **
A report in The Federalist shows the Virginia Democratic Party instructs election activists for its candidates to include deceased persons and outdated addresses in voter contact lists. The lists are a critical tool used by Democrats to facilitate ballot harvesting and their get-out-the-vote campaigns.
The Virginia Democratic Party works in concert with the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to maintain a database named VoteBuilder. It claims to be a record of all registered voters in Virginia. Democrats say the database includes identifying information on voters that assist in “targeting likely voters for Democratic campaigns.”
Party activists use Vote Builder to search for groups of persons they believe should be on their Democratic voter outreach lists. Those lists are used for various purposes, including phone banking and ballot harvesting.
The database instructions show users how to generate contact lists that are then used to search for absentee ballots that can be harvested. Users are taught to create expanded voter outreach lists by intentionally including “bad” or outdated addresses and deceased voters. The lists include addresses and phone numbers that harvesters use to solicit ballots.
Virginia State Board of Elections former vice-chair Clara Belle Wheeler told The Federalist, “I don’t know how you can in good conscience instruct your workers to solicit votes from people in those categories.” Wheeler, who is now a senior fellow at the Virginia Institute for Public Policy, added that Democrats are actively soliciting votes from ineligible voters, who have “either moved, are not a citizen of the United States, or are dead.”
Ignorance: the lack of knowledge, education, etc.
Stupidity: lacking normal intelligence.
Intelligence: the ability to learn or understand.
You can't fix STUPID!
If you think this happens only in Virginia? If you must have your head up your A--.
Ignorance: the lack of knowledge, education, etc.
Stupidity: lacking normal intelligence.
Intelligence: the ability to learn or understand.
You can't fix STUPID!
Re: Votes
Originally posted by Triple K Kennel
The Repukes need to open their eyes and figure out what they are doing wrong because the Red Wave turned out to be a motionless mud puddle.....🙄😁😉
Training dogs is not so much about quantity, it's more about timing, and the right situations...After that it's up to the dog....A hunting dog is born...
I guess that the majority of "Repukes" don't believe in ballot harvesting and cheating but do believe in the right to free speech. Maybe they also believe that two wrongs don't make a right. They don't believe in "if you can't beat them, join them". Do you really think that the "Repukes" should also start cheating? The "Repukes" believe in true Democracy and a fair and true election process. That is why the Jan 6 riot happened. The dems are saying that Jan 6 was an assault on our Democracy but it was an assault for our Democracy. The 2020 election process was the assault on our Democracy.
Originally posted by Richard Lambert
I guess that the majority of "Repukes" don't believe in ballot harvesting and cheating but do believe in the right to free speech. Maybe they also believe that two wrongs don't make a right. They don't believe in "if you can't beat them, join them". Do you really think that the "Repukes" should also start cheating? The "Repukes" believe in true Democracy and a fair and true election process. That is why the Jan 6 riot happened. The dems are saying that Jan 6 was an assault on our Democracy but it was an assault for our Democracy. The 2020 election process was the assault on our Democracy.
Track B4 Tree
Quality, Dependable Coon Lights--Built by a Coonhunter for Coonhunters
** Superior Lites
** Zepp's--Quality Products
** Brighteyes Lights
**Hellcat Maxx E.S.
** They Twist it until they start believing it themselves**
Purina Dog Food
** Proven Results **
Competition Coonhunters and Politicians
** Win anyway you have to & tell everyone what they want to hear **
I guess that you have to pick the side that is the most right, least corrupt and cheats the least. I like the party that I think is headed in the right direction.
Originally posted by Richard Lambert
I guess that you have to pick the side that is the most right, least corrupt and cheats the least. I like the party that I think is headed in the right direction.
Track B4 Tree
Quality, Dependable Coon Lights--Built by a Coonhunter for Coonhunters
** Superior Lites
** Zepp's--Quality Products
** Brighteyes Lights
**Hellcat Maxx E.S.
** They Twist it until they start believing it themselves**
Purina Dog Food
** Proven Results **
Competition Coonhunters and Politicians
** Win anyway you have to & tell everyone what they want to hear **
Now you sound like the guys that get "cheated" in a competition hunt once so they just quit comp hunting and sit at home.
Re: Cheats
Originally posted by Triple K Kennel don't HAVE's because you choose to.
The Party that's headed in the right direction you say ?......LMAO...🙄🤣
That's easy.......None are headed in the right direction...LOL.
I refuse to give either Party Credit for a job well done.
This is a PRIME example of Drinking the Kool-aid with Blinders on....!!!
Originally posted by Richard Lambert
I guess that the majority of "Repukes" don't believe in ballot harvesting and cheating but do believe in the right to free speech. Maybe they also believe that two wrongs don't make a right. They don't believe in "if you can't beat them, join them". Do you really think that the "Repukes" should also start cheating? The "Repukes" believe in true Democracy and a fair and true election process. That is why the Jan 6 riot happened. The dems are saying that Jan 6 was an assault on our Democracy but it was an assault for our Democracy. The 2020 election process was the assault on our Democracy.
Training dogs is not so much about quantity, it's more about timing, and the right situations...After that it's up to the dog....A hunting dog is born...
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