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Posted by Blusk25 on 12-05-2024 11:28 AM:

Thoughts on bear dog pricing

How do you price your hounds to sale? Does breed or papers matter in the big game world?

I have bought and sold several hounds or here as well as other outlets. This is what I’m seeing. Obviously I’m talking about dogs you can take to the woods alone and see meat. I don’t fool with the so called “pack dog”. I only keep ones that can do everything alone.

2-3 year old, rig to tree with great speed 6-10k
2-3 year old, rig to tree medium speed 4-6k
No place for slow dogs lol.

4-5 great speed 4-8k
4-5 medium 3-6k

6-8 still great speed 2.5-5k
6-8 medium or slowing down 2-3.5k

9 or older 1-2k.

What are your thoughts?

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