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Leticia James
Does anyone remember that name? Guess who the DOJ announced that they were suing for conspiracy to protect and hide illegal immigrants and obstruction of justice? I hope that they lock her up.
I hope it's just the tip of the iceberg there should be a whole slew of them.
The dems are just like a lot of coonhunters. If they don't like a rule/law, they just pass or vote on their own rule/law and use it. Pam Bondi is like Allen Gingrich.
Originally posted by Richard Lambert
The dems are just like a lot of coonhunters. If they don't like a rule/law, they just pass or vote on their own rule/law and use it. Pam Bondi is like Allen Gingrich.
Grnitech Pkc ch Skuna River Midnite Moe - RIP
{Skuna River Bark x Trackman's Sassy}
Nitech Stylish Clover Shark Jill - RIP 'Ole Girl
{Great White Shark x Brush Creek Patch}
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