Robert Johnson
UKC Forum Member
Registered: Dec 2006
Location: Springfield, Ga.
Posts: 4254 |
Liz is gone! She has heard the voters verdict. Mitt will in time, unless he cowards out and retires. Either way will be a good day for America in him being gone. The real problem in Washington is the lying that is allowed to be told by our press, which influences our young people who don't know any better because of the crap they are pounded with in school. The party system is updated. Americans should vote for a person who is best for our country and loves it dearly. Someone who would stick a foot up Soro's butt and send him packing. Someone who will secure our borders. Someone who will not leave Americans behind in foreign lands when he tells the masses he won't. Someone who will put Iran and other countries in their place and not pay them to build weapons of mass destruction. Someone who will not beg for oil, but drill for ours. This list could go on and on, and one party loves to be just opposite of that someone, while the other hates to think of that someone as their leader because this someone can not be controlled and will not play their games or bow down to their agendas. YES, we need a whole sale change in Washington DC. It can start in November if good honest people will go vote with America in mind and not some special interest or queer group agenda.
Robert " Rock" Johnson

Johnson Creek Kennels
home of:
UKC Grand Nite Champion "PR" Yadkin River Addkis. Deceased 12/11/2016 RIP
2009/2010/2011/2012 AKC GA. State Leader and Supreme Grand Nite Champion Yadkin River Addkis
2010 ACHA Georgia State Champion Grand Nite Champion Yadkin River Addkis
PKC Champion Yadkin River Addkis
Bright Eye Lights
Treeing Walkers
912-663-5287 cell (perfered)
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