steve bankston
UKC Forum Member
Registered: Sep 2013
Location: tylertown,mississippi
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Save the Children
My Unborn Son
My Only Son
The Untold Story
I’m about to tell a story that very very few know. Oh, maybe they heard rumors 36 Years Ago this month but I promise you, they don’t know the Truth. God put this on my Heart to Tell a while back, I told Him No. He applied more pressure to my heart and emotions until I have No Choice. But you do. Until your time is up on this earth, you always have choices. Make the Right Ones. This story is about the Best Choice I Ever Made in my Life. For Life. God has made it my mission to tell it hoping it will influence others into making the right choice also. In a world full of bitterness and hate, killing the innocent, unborn children, we need to stand and fight, shout our stories in Support of Life. This is My Story:
June/July, 1983. Brings back Good Memories doesn’t it? I was 18 years old, soon to be 19. My Girlfriend was 17, and Pregnant. I was a manager of a Country Grocery Store In Gillsburg Mississippi. Just a few miles west of where the Band, Lynard Skynard, crashed their plane many years ago. When I found out she was pregnant, I was also dating another young woman that was older than me and taught Sunday School in Gillsburg and special Ed Kids in Louisiana. I had a Choice to make and I made it. She told me her mom wanted her to have an abortion and she had no choice. She would then go to college and have a better life than having a baby at a young age. I went and met with her mom and dad and put options on the table. I would keep the baby and raise him while she stayed with her folks and went to college and afterwards if we loved one another we would be married. Or they raise the baby. No deal. I went to the Catholic Priest where they went to church and told him what was going on and he went and talked with them, no deal. They sent her to New Orleans to have the abortion done. She stayed with her Aunt and Uncle and I found out where she was. Her Aunt had to take her cousin to speech class at 10am on the day she was to have the abortion that afternoon. I had my Pontiac Grand Prix SJ packed up and rolling into New Orleans. I had told No One my plans. I had a few thousand bucks saved up and all my guns, tent, sleeping bags and clothes in the car. Plan? Go to Sin City, Las Vegas and see if we could get married to save our child. Pulled up to her Aunt and Uncles house at 10:20 am and Dropped the Hammer after she got in the car. Didn’t stop until we were Well into New Mexico. That’s right, over 24 hours straight with no sleep. All the way out of Louisiana and across the whole State of Texas. We were running Scared. Slept that next day and started driving at night. Less chance of the car being identified. Las Vegas said No, both had to be 18 or have parents consent. We drifted on, not knowing what to do. All the way up to Spokane Washington, at the Canadian Border and back down to Missoula Montana. Stayed there a week then drifted some more. We saw heat waves in Vegas and Frost In Idaho. Went from 117 in the Desert to 30 in the Mountains. Yellowstone and Glacial National Park’s. Jackson Hole Wyoming. We saw some things, some beautiful things and despite how scared and lost we were not knowing what to do, we soaked it all in. Gods Beauty. Came down to Denver Colorado then cut out for Memphis Tennessee. My pops has a sister that lives there. We had been gone a Month with no contact to either of our families. Money was running lower than I liked and I finally had to admit, we needed help. We called my Pops from his sisters and found out a lot. Her parents had the law and private investigators all over my parents area hunting us. Her moms side of the family was knocking on kin folks doors trying to find us. I would be in deep trouble if caught even though they claimed they just wanted their daughter home and would let her have the baby. I didn’t take the bait. Pops said he found out that Florida had a Law that if a girl is pregnant you tell your story to a Judge and they decide if you can get married or not. Next morning we were in the wind to Pensacola Florida. Got her blood test, got results, told story, got married and came home. Her daddy came around but her mother didn’t. Very Bitter, until the baby was born. I always loved to read western books and there was this one book they ended up making a movie about many many years ago. The book and the movie were named, “ Call Me Shane”. I had the name of my Son picked out Years before I ever met this girl that was to be his mother. I was in the Delivery Room waiting his arrival. It got Show Time and things were happening. Nurse came flying around the table and tripped over my wife’s drip stand. It smashed to the floor, jerking the needle back in her hand and the Blood started flowing up the line. That’s the last thing I remember. They say I smacked the floor and bounced a couple of times. They drug me out into the hall and shut the door and delivered our Baby Boy. When I came to, my Mother In Law was standing there and because I had a mask on my face she thought I was a Doctor taking a break. We all let go of our differences the day my son was born. Spent many good years as part of the family but I had Demons running through my blood that would not let me be happy. Despite having a Historic Show Place Of a Lodge on the Sandstone Bluffs above the River and a driveway One Mile long that Dead ended at the house, a wife and a 10 year old son, I walked away. Me and her was as different as Night and Day and I couldn’t take it anymore. I have Never Regretted the Decision to Run and Save my Unborn Son and I have Never Regretted that I walked away. I Do Regret All the Pain I have caused with decisions I made in my life. Lots of Pain. This story doesn’t have a Happy Ever After Ending, Not by a Long Shot. But My Son now has Two Sons Of his on. The Bankston name will carry on with Levi and Lincoln. All because I Refused to Not have a Choice. I refused to be silenced as I Raised My Voice, For Life of My Unborn Son!! Men, Stand Up!! That is Your Children that are being killed too! Fight back for your Right as a Father!! It might not have a Fairy Tale Ending but that’s Life! Nothing worth Fighting For is Never Easy and comes with Sacrifice. Do the Right Thing and May the Angels Rejoice and Sing.
I could tell many more stories of the adventures we had on that trip. Tomorrow I will post more and a few pictures from that month on the Run. If my story helps One Girl decide to keep, love and raise her unborn child, if my story helps inspire one guy to love that girl if only for a little while so that child can be born, if my story stops an abortion that would have otherwise been done, then I have accomplished what God put on my Heart to do. This is not about attention for me or condemning others, this is about saving the Unborn Children. Gods Children. You Do Have A Choice, Make the Right One.
Where hounds are more than just dogs, they are a part of the FAMILY.
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